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"Lucas be honest and tell me where's my dress" my sister shouted at Lucas more like she was threatening him because he misplaced her dress "I don't know " Lucas replied back

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"Lucas be honest and tell me where's my dress" my sister shouted at Lucas more like she was threatening him because he misplaced her dress "I don't know " Lucas replied back .

This has been going on since an hour now and is nowhere to stop . My head is gonna burst open if they continue to fight like children, Mia doesn't seem to let go of the dress and Lucas doesn't want to say what he did with the dress. Mom is not at home or this might have stopped ages ago .

"Lucas, that's a custom made collection. I had to beg mom to give me that if you don't tell me what you did with that then I will" Mia picked up a knife and pointed it towards him . Lucas raised his hands in surrender "woah calm down put that knife away" he tried to take the knife from her but when she took a step forward he got scared and stopped

"Where is my dress?" she asked again. I think I have had enough. I got up from the couch and approached Mia from behind. She didn't notice me grabbing the opportunity I snached the knife from her hands . Seeing this Lucas dropped his hands down and smirked "give it back" she tried to take the knife from me but it far from her reach "good job" Lucas said ruffling Mia's hair annoying her

"Ok stop you two , you are not children fighting around like that"

"But he was the one who-" before Mia could rant again I asked Lucas "Where is her dress?"

"I didn't pick it up . But I will soon" was his excuse "I want it by evening" Mia ordered him, It's not very hard to convince Mia , she gets angry easily and calm down the next moment. Teenage I guess .

But not me Mia left for her school leaving me and Lucas alone in the house "It's peaceful now" he commented

"It will be more peaceful if you leave too . Don't you have class today?" He frowned at my words "They don't start until Afternoon but why are you in a rush to send me away"

"Because you both already gave me too much of a headache I can't tolerate your presence anymore" I took out a mug from the cabinet and started to brew the coffee. The chef arrives in the afternoon so the breakfast duty is on us. Luckily my siblings doesn't like my cooking so we just stuffed ourselves with cereals

Mia is in 11th grade whereas Lucas is in 1st year for business finance as his major . Usually these both leave early in the morning leaving me alone but today's schedule has something else in it .

After my coffee was ready . I passed Lucas a glass of juice "So whom did you give the dress to?" My question made him choke on his juice, spilling some of it on the kitchen counter. He grabbed some paper towels and cleaned the mess. "How did you know?"

"So you did give it to someone" I knew he picked up the dress but I wasn't confirmed if he actually gave it to someone but his actions made it clear "please don't tell me you sold it or something"

My comment made him roll his eyes , he would never do that but there's some fun to tease your siblings for no reason "you think I would do something like that" i shrugged my shoulders "i don't know"

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