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about story 

Just like every other ff i wrote a ff too ... i had a hero character all focused up in the story i made him as charming as possible , just like any other hero i made him a perfect one just to melt the heart of my readers ...

but what about the villain then ?

well ... i made him cruel ... i made him someone who losses everything at the end .. the one who does not get's his love and the one who always stays in the darkside of the story ...

but little did i knew that soon i will regret this

Z - ZEAL [ (n) : energy or passion when pursuing something ]

A - ABUSE [ (n) : to use something in a bad or dishonest way ]

D - DASTARDLY [ (n) : wicked and cruel ]

E - ENIGMATIC [ (n) : someone who is a bit mysterious to others ]

ZADE ...

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