Chapter 3

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BENJEN: Is he dead yet?

[JON turns around and sees BENJEN, who gets off his horse. A smile spreads across JON's face when he sees his uncle.]

JON: Uncle Benjen!

[They hug.]

BENJEN: You got bigger! I rode all day; didn't want to leave you alone with the Lannisters. Why aren't you at the feast?

[JON looks away, frustrated.]

JON: Lady Stark thought it might insult the royal family to seat a bastard in their midst.

[BENJEN nods.]

BENJEN: Well, you're always welcome on the Wall. No bastard was ever refused a seat there.

JON: So take me with you when you go back.


JON: Father will let me if you ask him, I know he will.

[Pause as BENJEN thinks about this. JON awaits his answer.]

BENJEN: The Wall isn't going anywhere.

JON: I'm ready to swear your oath.

BENJEN: You don't understand what you'd be giving up. We have no families, none of us will ever father sons -

JON interrupts.]

JON: I don't care about that.

BENJEN: You might....if you knew what it meant.

[JON looks slightly put out. BENJEN glances back at the castle when he hears the sounds of the banquet.]

BENJEN: I'd better get inside, rescue your father from his guests. We'll talk later.

[BENJEN goes to the banquet.]

TYRION: [offscreen] Your uncle's in the Night's Watch.

[JON turns around and sees TYRION finally coming back from the brothel, holding a skin of wine.]

JON: What're you doing back there?

TYRION: Preparing for a night with your family.

[He takes a swig from his skin.]

TYRION: I've always wanted to see the Wall....

JON: You're Tyrion Lannister. The Queen's brother?

TYRION: My greatest accomplishment. And you – you're Ned Stark's bastard, aren't you?

[JON looks insulted and turns away.]

TYRION: Did I offend you? Sorry. You are the bastard, though.

JON: Lord Eddard Stark is my father.

TYRION: And Lady Stark is not your mother, making you the bastard.

[JON still looks insulted.]

TYRION: Let me give you some advice, bastard: never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

[TYRION starts making his way towards the banquet.]

JON: What the hell do you know about being a bastard?

[TYRION turns back to face JON.]

TYRION: All dwarves are bastards in their fathers' eyes.

[TYRION departs. JON picks up his sword and attacks the dummy with new ferocity.]

Back in the banquet. NED is off to himself when GARTH and ETHAN come up to him.]

GARTH: A wolf surrounded by lions. Sounds like a gruesome battle.

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