14 ━ itzy as the love languages

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words of affirmation
• yeji always makes sure to tell you how much you mean to her even if it happens like several times a day
• no matter what, she'll find a way to love you through this love language and won't hesitate to use it especially when you're feeling low or sad
• "i love you." / "i'm so proud of you."
• when she first began using words of affirmation, she was nervous as she wasn't sure if this way the you wanted to be loved. nevertheless, you adored this side of her and welcomed it with open arms
• you mean everything to her and she really just wants you to know that

gift giving
• jisu loves to buy you gifts whether they're for important dates or just because she felt like it (cause she's spontaneous like that)
• took a while for you to get used to tbh, never being used to showered in gifts like this but eventually you realized she enjoys spoiling her loved ones
• if you point out an item you like in any store you pass by, she won't hesitate to ask if you'd want it
• "oh really?? i can totally get it for you, my love. i don't mind, would you like it???!?"
• jisu just adores the look on your face whenever she gifts you something, she feels as if she's falling in love all over again

acts of service
• ryujin loves to help you with anything and everything if it means it'll make your life easier
• despite being busy with schedules, she won't hesitate to help you out with cooking, cleaning, running errands, doing grocery shopping, etc
• she wants you to feel as relaxed as possible knowing you take on too many responsibilities
• at first, you were hesitant but over time you came to realize this was her way of showing that she loved you
• it honestly makes you love her even more, because both ryujin and you believe actions speak louder than words

quality time
• with her busy lifestyle, chaeryeong cherishes the moments of lounging around with you the most
• whether its going out for a picnic, or watching a movie, or staying home and taking a nap, she loves to spend as much time with you as possible
• she likes to learn about your interests and isn't afraid to share her own
• chaeryeong like to give her undivided attention to you, and she finds that through quality time you and her can truly get to know one another
• so much eye contact which causes so much blushing, hand holding and thumb stroking as you listen to one another

physical touch
• yuna loves to be as close to you as humanly possible
• always holding your hand, your waist, back hugging you, or normal hugs
• when you're busy with any type of work, she'll lay on your lap or shoulder while giving you the time to work
• she just loves to be physically close to you to express her affections— there is never a moment when yuna isn't clinging onto you
• loves to cuddle as well, and kisses you so softly and gentle that you can't help but fall harder for her


itzy's album concept is so cool, i really like this darker(?) concept of theirs. i'm really sad about lia though :(
i miss my bby

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