they stop short before their orbits smash and worlds collide. the prism dances, gleaming between them.

the silence shatters, glass splinters everywhere.

"hey, what are you doing out here?" smooth dark cheeks split open, a low, musical voice breaking free.

the blonde looks up, eyes snapping open. he seems to wake up, stormy eyes flicking up and down at the other person before him.

"you're... at the party, right?" the other boy indicated behind him. loud shouting emanated from the house, and bass thumped the floor.

no answer.

"uhh... i'm Phoenix.' the boy reached out a small hand, grinning uncertainly.

the blonde looks up at him. there's a long silence. Phoenix's smile falters slightly, but his eyes remain firmly in place.

he doesn't reply, but he reaches out, slotting his hand into Phoenix's.

"Jesus Christ, your hand is freezing" Phoenix shrieked. he wrenched his hand from the boys, looking him up and down. "what happened to your cheek?"

the boy glances at a broken window nearby, and down at the shattered glass by his feet.


"hey, are you okay? you haven't spoken, like at all. it's a little awkward" Phoenix jokes.

the boy raises his eyebrows and stiffly removes a pen from his pocket. Phoenix gets the impression he's just committed an act of treason.

he waits while the boy scrawls something on his pale arm and brandishes at him.

'Quirijn. i can't talk.'

"ohh" Phoenix realizes. "you're mute or something?" Quirijin nods. Phoenix is silent for a moment.

"please do slap me if this is out of order, but do you just choose not to speak or you physically can't?" Quirijin writes on his arm again.

'can't. only with people i trust a lot. i like your hair.'

"oh i see. thanks." Phoenix smiles, cracking his face.

Quirijin doesn't smile back.

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