new trainer and recruits

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"Okay! Great!" Skye said, Nell's new trainer, "Now try it on me and then heal the shit out of me!" Skye said as Nell stopped the snow and her eyes glowed purple. "Are you sure?" Nell's accent was thicker than usual.

"Yah" Skye winked. Nell blasted the energy and Skye was on the floor. "Hurry!" She screamed as her face started to peel. Nell scurried over and used her healing powers.

Skye was still on the ground and her face was flying back together. "I-I can't d-o this" Nell said as blood ran down her nose. "Keep going" Skye said holding Nell's shoulder. "The more practice the better you'll get. If you need a break just tell me"

Nell looked up and wiped the blood off her nose "Ich glaube, ich brauche wirklich eine Pause. Können wir nur eine Stunde Pause vielleicht ..." Nell looked at Skye's confused face " I said I think I really need a break. Can we just have a one hour break maybe"

Skye nodded and lifted herself off the ground. "I think I need a break too" Nell laughed and walked over to a glass bench.

"S.H.I.E.L.D has upgraded a lot of things haven't they?" Skye looked over to Nell that looked quite uncomfortable. "I-I guess." Her head was still spinning from the force. "My head hurts Skye...Is this how you felt like when you first noticed you had powers."

Skye looked at her and back at the window "I don't remember, all I remember was darkness and I was not brave" Nell frowned and groaned "Why haven't you fought in any wars?" Skye laughed "I'm not ready"

Nell nodded her head and shot back up. "I think I'm ready to go against you." Skye raised one eyebrow "No! This only your first day with me!" Nell crossed her arms and made it snow making Skye shiver and chatter "Okay! Fine!"

Nell smiled and stopped the snow. She had one thing down. She can stop making it snow, but it was hard for her not to eavesdrop on people and not to poison anything, the hardest.

Skye raised her hand and the ground beneath started shaking she pushed the force toward Nell making her flip. She landed on her feet and did a back handspring as the purple flowed over to Skye. She dodged it and hopped on to the bench. "Hit me" Skye teased.

Nell eyes widened and her hands shot out numerous of poising senses crawled upon the wall and Nell screamed Skye was thrown across the wall and her stomach was opening as the poison melted through her.

Skye wasn't scared she knew she wasn't going to die, but Nell was. "Nell calm down" Skye's helpless voice said "Just come and help me." Nell was scared and shook her head "Dr. Cho!" She screamed and scurried off to a corner.

Dr. Cho came in and grabbed Skye "Nell?"

"Just go!" Nell said crying and cradling herself. Dr. Cho stood there and saw Nell scream again this time letting her see the purple in her eyes. Dr. Cho scurried out the room and Nell listened.

"Captain! H-her eyes! They were purple!" Dr. Cho said as she sent her group with Skye to the emergency room. "Is she okay?"

Steve's heart raced "More training and she will be." He patted Dr. Cho's shoulder awkwardly and ran toward the training area.

"Stop!" Nell screamed as purple energy pumped all around her. The energy from the wall surrounded her and broke. It was all gone! Nell opened her eyes in surprised and then felt the energy release again this time making her faint.

Steve opened the door and walked into a room filled with yellow, blue, and purple. The yellow had many voices that he had never heard. The purple energy was make ecstatic noises and the blue made a wind sound. He ran through all of them and knelt down as Steve saw Nell's limb body.

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