Broken ankle + heat stroke

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Author's pov

Bts was currently practicing dance moves for their upcoming performance in LA. The moves they were working on.. yeah, they were difficult. It didn't help that it was 90° outside, and Hobi kept them at it for hours.

Tae's pov

At this point, I've stopped functioning.  I'm sweating buckets,  I'm tripping over myself, and I can't breathe. "KIM TAEHYUNG. STOP MESSING AROUND, AND DO IT AGAIN!" Hobi shouted. I flinched. "M'sorry hyung.." I muttered. He just glared. Jin came over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked, "You look pale." I sighed. "I'm fine hyung" I said, trying to muster the most convincing smile. "If you say so" he said, not really believing me. He walked back to his spot has hobi started the music again. 

Jin's pov

I noticed how taehyung kept tripping over himself, and then hobi would yell at him. This happened a few more times, until I walked over to him. I asked if he was feeling okay, after noticing he was pale and of course he said yes, but of course I didn't believe him. "If you say so.." I said, walking back to my spot, as hobi started the music. I was keeping an eye out for tae. We danced for a little while longer until hobi told us we could have a break. Everyone practically collapsed with exhaust. Jungkook and Jimin were sprawled out on the ground, while Hobi, Yoongi, and Namjoon were getting water. I was finishing gulping down my water, when I noticed taehyung, swaying a bit. I frowned, immediately concerned. "Tae?" I said,  hesitant. No answer. I walked over to him. He had gone from pale, to red and he was shaking and sweating. Jungkook's attention was immediately on his boyfriend. "Tae, baby, what's wrong?" He said quietly. Instead of answer, he stumbled awkwardly, tripping over himself, and collapsed with a loud crack. 

Tae's pov

I didn't feel good, at all. My heart was racing, I was so fucking hot. I barley noticed jin and jungkook in front of me. Suddenly, I felt really dizzy, and laying down didn't seem like a bad idea at all. I tried mumbling something, I'm not sure if they understood, before I stumbled sideways, tripping, causing my ankle to twist in a horrible way. I yelped in pain.. my heart sped up, and my vision was going in and out. I could faintly here yells around me, before everything thing stopped.

Jungkook's pov

There was this loud cracking sound when he fell, and at first, I thought he hit his head, but I checked, and there was no blood, or cut. I scanned the rest of his body, and my eyes fell to his left ankle. Holy shit. It was all purple and swollen. "Jin hyung, I think he broke his ankle..." I said. "Oh my gosh, that looks horrible" Jimin said. Namjoon was currently dabbing a wet washcloth on taehyung's forehead, while Yoongi was icing his ankle. I checked his wrists for a pulse just to make sure. My heart stopped. "Call 911, right now." I said, my voice shaking. "What's wro-" Namjoon started to say. I cut him off. 

"He's not fucking breathing" 

Oop- cliffhanger. Gotta love those fr. Pt2 coming soon 😇 

Excuse any spelling mistakes 


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