Final Stand

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On the other side was the front of the owl house, where Nog was looking at  the moon. As wails were heard from near the skull of the boiling isles' titan, Y/n knew what this was.

Y/n: The day of unity.

As Y/n said that, He started feeling a weird feeling. Like his magic was draining. But at a slow rate.

Y/n: Nog. If things go south, I need you to stay here with Nowhere. I'll be back. I promise.

Nog understood as he slithered towards the house. Y/n prepared himself as he tried to turn into a death weaver. But alas, He only partially transformed. The difference was there was black fur on where the should have been scales. He couldn't afford to be mad and question his predicament as everyone needed him right now.

Y/n: I'll take it.

Y/n used his wings to fly across the sky and towards the skull. As he did, he saw the people near the skull being drained of all their magic. Y/n had to stop this. But how?

As he contemplated, He heard a yell from the inside of the skull.

???: Stop it!

He immediately flew into the eye socket of the skull like a speeding bullet. As he hit the ground, a smokescreen was cast. As he fell, Y/n had also fallen out of his partial transformation. He wasn't happy about it. But he knew thousands of years of combat knowledge would be enough. He began walking through the smokescreen.

Y/n: Alright old man. I've been waiting to hand you a haymaker since the day I met you. And this time, I'm doing it with my own two hands.

As he came out of the smoke, He saw who screamed. It was his sister, Luz. The one who caused her to scream seemed to be some form of amalgamation. But he could tell who it was. Emperor Belos.

Belos: You!

Belos started sprawling towards Y/n at a rapid speed. But not before Y/n began running at him, landing a punch to his face. Belos fell to the floor as Y/n flicked the abomination that was Belos off his hand.

Y/n: That was for making my sister scream!

As Y/n said that, Luz went to hug him tightly with tears in m her eyes.

Y/n: I missed you too, Luz.

Luz missed Y/n. The entire time he was gone, She was hoping he'd come back. Now he finally was. As the tender moment was passing, Belos was getting back up. Y/n and Luz departed from the hug, and prepared themselves to fight.

As Belos was preparing to rush Luz and Y/n, a large amount of vines appeared and held him down. The siblings turned around to see old friends. Gus, Willow, Amity, and Hunter.

Willow: We're here to help!

Amity: Did you really think we weren't gonna follow you?

Gus: Yeah girl, get with it.

Luz looked at her friends with even more joy on her face.

Luz: You guys are literally the coolest!

As they were talking, Belos started trying to stand.

Y/n: We need him to end this. But he's going berserk.

Willow tried to restrain Belos with more vines, but in an instant the floor beneath them began to fall. Y/n tried to use his construction magic. His eyes hued brown but the glow on his eyes flickered. As if his magic was running thin. But it was strong enough to keep the bridge from falling.

As he did so, Belos had escaped the vines and rushed towards the group. Luckily enough, Amity was holding him off with her own magic.

Y/n: Move this off the bridge! Keeping it together is starting to hurt!

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