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Something about yesterday, kept her awake all night. Replaying every eye contact and every word that were exchanged between them. Those damn eyes were the most important. Not gonna lie , those eyes made her feel something that she didn't want to admit.

She grabbed her phone and texted her sister it was 3 am in Paris. So technically it would be 10 in the morning in Malaysia.

Meera: sha, I saw ashvin

                       Ashvin who ?: Monisha

Meera: The cricketer Ashvin

                            WHATT ?? : Monisha

Meera: Why are you so shocked ??

           Did you actually meet :Monisha
           Ashvin Nair or are you
           making a fool out of me ??

Meera : of course, you wouldnt
believe me. I did for real
meet him.

             Wow Meera, for the : Monisha
             1st time in my life
             I'm proud of u for
             meeting my idol.

Meera : Whatever , I need to
get my beauty sleep
So bye.

She typed and hit send as she sulked at her sister's words. But then she sighed as the thoughts of him crowded her mind. She closed her eyes .

Deep brown eyes staring at her as she felt his hand's warmness in her palms . His appearance engraved in her memory. A small smile formed on her lips as she recalled their small interaction.


She walked through the streets of Paris feeling peaceful with her own company. She requested the company to not have bodyguards around her and somehow convinced them since she was in Paris and not many people will recognize her.

She wore a brown long sleeved crop top and a beige wide legged pants with a beige ribbon on her ponytail.
A white Dior sling bag and a camera with her.

A smile painted her lips feeling free from the world that always kept her caged.

She clicked a ton of pictures on her way and ate all kind of street food

Dusk was slowly hitting, changing the colour of the sky to orange and pink. She sat on one of the benches at a bridge. She pulled out her airpods and plugged them in disconnecting herself from the world. She enjoyed the beautiful scenery Infront of her

A few hair strands carressed her cheeks that turned pink at the sudden chilly breeze. She shiverd lightly and both her hands rubbed her arms trying to keep herself warm.

A light smiled appeared on her lips as the melody filled her ears.

She sealed her eyes shut and hummed along the song feeling herself float in the moment. A light swift of air was felt by her as if someone sat beside her but she didn't bother checking not to lose the momentum.

She smiled and enjoyed the song to the fullest , knowing that this will be a memory she'll definitely cherish

Meera P.O.V

As the song ended I pulled out the airpods and opened my eyes turning  to the stranger that decided to intrude my peace . Well technically not, since it's a public place that anyone is allowed to come

For a moment I stopped breathing seeing none other than Ashvin Nair who gave me difficulty sleeping last night. I blinked a few times to make sure my eyes weren't betraying me

He suddenly turned  meeting my gaze. My stupid little heart started beating so fast.

He smiled revealing his dimples making me squirm
“ Hi ”

“ H-hi ” I stuttered back with a shy smile and even more flushed cheeks. One day I'm going to do something to that little traitor mouth for giving me away

“ What are you doing here ? ”

“ Just came for a stroll to enjoy the most  romantic city of the world ”

” Alone?? No bodyguards??”

“ Yeah but like this is like my first time without  bodyguards. I practically begged my company to let me have some alone time ” i chuckeled

He smiled
“ then I apologize for disturbing ”

“ it's fine, I could use some company ”

I shrugged

“ you're indian but may I ask from which part ?? ” I asked

“ Actually , my parents are Tamil and i was born in Chennai but we had to move to Delhi for my parents work at very young age so technically I grew up in Delhi ”

“ I see. Do you speak Tamil ? ”

“ I do ,I speak Tamil with my parents ”

“ really ?? I'm also Tamil ”

“ theriyum”  ( I know )  his voice deeper

“ epdi ? ” ( how ? ) I stuttered

“ yaaruku ungala pathi theriyathu ? ”
( Who doesn't know about you ? )

I chuckeled and said back remembering the amount of followers he has on ig

“ unga alavuku naa famous kedaiyaathu ” ( I'm not really famous like you are )

“ Apdiyela ille , en family , en teammates , enakku therinja ellarume unga fans thaa  ”
( It's not like that , my family , my teammates  and everybody I know are your fans )

“ appo neenge ? ” ( how about you ? )

He turned his gaze to me and silence surrounded us. His eyes shined showing a kind of emotion I wasn't able to pinpoint. Shit , I shouldn't have asked that now he's going to be uncomfortable.

“ naa apdi solla varle- ” ( I didn't mean it like that- )

“ enakkum ungala  pudikum. Romba.”
( I also like you. A lot )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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