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Athena Green was named after the Greek goddess of wisdom, craft, and warfare. And much like her Greek counterpart she came from a blinded family. Her step mom and half siblings never took interested in her. To outsiders and to her family she was seen as cynical and manipulative. But that what you get when you name your kid after the goddess how used cold rationality and logic in warfare. She never fought with her fist, she fought with her words and schemes. That why the kids at school hated her, she had no interest in there little cliques and the could never bully her. She was alone everywhere she went. Even with her alluring beauty no one wanted her. It go so bad her father thought she was a psychopath.

Before all the turmoil she had a happy family. But that lasted about five years. Before her dad swallowed her mom with all his lies, and cheats and scams, before consumed her whole and sucked every bit of life out of her and left her for dead. And then married a short blonder version of her. He tossed her to the side like trash when she was the one who handed him the ipecac to help free his siblings. Her mom used to say she was the one good thing in her life, till she meet Curtis. Curtis hated Athena's gut because she knew what he was, a user. With her mom now dead there was no reason to stay in her small town in Massachusetts. She had an opportunity at a brand new start. And she wasn't going to waste it.


"First day too," The women next to her asked?

"Yeah," She answered with a sigh.

"Mine too, I'm the new orthopedic surgical resident," She told her.

"Peds," The women mumbled.

"My names Callie Torres, I should've introduced myself first," She extended her hands.

"Athena Green," She took the hand.

"So what brings you to Seattle Grace," Callie questioned?

"This elevator is seriously slow," Athena muttered.


"Nothing," Athena pressed her lips together.

"Oh this is my stop hope I see you around," Callie smiled before getting off.


"Chief Webber you requested to see me in your office," Athena entered.

"Oh yes Athena Green, right," He slid off his reading glasses.

"Correct," She nodded with her hands behind her back.

"Well come in."

Athena walked towards the desk, Chief Webber pulled out the chair.

"Thank you."

"No problem, I see you came from Harvard. I was wondering why you made such a big switch," Chief Webber asked?

"I often ask myself that question to but to answer the question, I needed to get out my Massachusetts. I've lived there my whole life I needed something more. An education that will not only give me knowledge but valuable life lessons as well," Athena tried her best to remember what she planned to say.

"Well it's amazing that you're here, Dr Jordan Kenley will but up in a moment to meet you in my office. He would've been here when you came but he got pulled into some peds stuff."


"So you're from Massachusetts?"

"Yes, sir."

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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