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Jungwon's POV ~

I've been at juvenile for 2 months. I know almost every person here. I guess I'm considered popular, I'm friends with most of the people I know, and I have no enemies. The only thing I wish I had was a celly, or what you would call a cellmate. It's lonely in a singular room. I hear the alarm go off outside my door and the creaking of it opening. Lunchtime. I get up from my bed and see one of my best friends and run toward him. I place my arm over his shoulder and walk down the stairs to the cafeteria. They always served shit food at this jail. I sat down at the same table with the same people I always sit with and eat the same meal I have always eaten.

Sometimes I wish I could be introduced to something new, or someone new. I repeat the same routine every day, a new step would be nice. I stab my fork into the mush they call "food" and shove it into my mouth. I would prefer to be introduced to a new person, someone else I could talk to. 

Then I heard the doors opening, not the cell doors. The front doors, the big metal doors that only opened with new inmates. We hadn't received a new inmate in what seemed like years, even if I hadn't been here longer than 3 months. Everyone looked over to the doors as they creaked open, and we saw someone. Dressed in the same orange jumpsuit as us, just newer. They were yelling and kicking. Screaming at the 5 guards who were restraining them. Even with 5 guards they were struggling to keep the inmate in place. How strong was this guy?

When he entered, he looked angry. He was baring his teeth, and his eyebrows were turned down. I stared into his eyes and examined his features. Blonde hair with black highlights at the end, a nose piercing and several ear piercings, slim yet muscular and just handsome. When he caught sight of his, he threw up his leg and kicked one of the guards in the stomach and he broke free. He balled his hand into a fist and lifted it up to punch the rest of the guards until he was tased and fell to the floor. He groaned and the guards grabbed him by his arms and attempted to lift him up

"FUCK YOU!" He yelled while being lifted from the floor. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME OR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU"

Intense, was my first thought. They dragged up the stairs while he kicked them in the shin, they acted like it didn't hurt but I knew it did. They shoved him into one of the solitary confinement rooms and began to read out his profile to one another. This is when us prisoners listen to their conversations.


"Nishimura Riki, aged 15." One of them said.

"Arrested for..." The other muttered.

We couldn't hear anything else they said other than his name and age. I'm guessing they could tell we were eavesdropping. We could hear the muffled screams of the new inmate, or should I say Nishimura Riki. I wondered who's sell he would be transported to after calming down.

{           }

After lunch, we all walked back to our cells. I sat at my desk, staring at the wall. I had so many friends, yet I felt so lonely. Do I even deserve friends? I'm in juvi, someone like me doesn't deserve that right? No, don't think like that. An hour went by, and I was still staring at the same spot. Sometimes it felt like my only friends were these 4 walls, the 4 walls where I spent most of my time in. The 4 walls that replaced the bedroom I once slept in, in the house I once lived in, in the outside world I used to walk in. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my door creaking open, lunch already went by didn't it? Why are the doors opening? I turned around and saw 4 guards restraining the new inmate as they walked him into my room. His gaze was locked to the floor. His hands were linked with cuffs, and he kept quiet, obviously had been hit or silenced with words in some way. They led him towards the bunk bed that I had never shared. He sat gently on the bottom bunk, his gaze still on the floor as if he was spaced out.

"Jungwon, yell if he's acting up. Even if he gets only slightly violent, call for us." The guards warned me, to which I nodded. The guards all began to exit the room one by one and left me alone with Nishimura Riki.

I hadn't moved since they left, nor had he. I finally received a cellmate, I should talk to him, right?

"So, I heard you're 15. It's weird that your 2 years younger than me." I chuckled; he didn't respond. He didn't look away from the ground either. I figured he was the quiet type; I should just get to know him slowly.

"Um, how are you? My first day was tough, are you doing good?" I asked as politely as I could as if I hadn't witnessed his entrance earlier. He once again didn't respond. Was he deaf? No, he's choosing not to respond. Why can't he have even a little small talk, just a get to know each other considering we will be sharing the same room.

"Do you like the room, Nishimura Riki?" I asked.

"Ni-ki." He quietly and finally responded.

"What?" I questioned.

"Don't call me Nishimura Riki, I hate that. Call me Ni-ki." He replied.

"Oh okay. I will-" Just as I was about to finish my sentence he laid down on the bed and attempted to fall asleep. I had so much more I needed to ask him, I suppose he wouldn't even respond, but It's nice to have someone to talk to.

I got up from my desk and placed both hands onto the bunk bed ladder. I climbed up and laid down above him.

"Well then, Goodnight Ni-ki."

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