First Day At School..BUS.

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Rider goes to school bus

Rider: ugh i hate this damn school..

Branch: gets on the bus and everyone stares

Rider: Woah who's that hottie..

Emperor: thats Branch..hes the new kid on the who the hell names their kid after a twig

Branch: sighs and sits at the back of the bus

Rider: Is he okay?

Aloha: Shrugs

The School Bus Stops And They're At School..

Rider: FUCK, this sucks..kicks rock and accidentally makes branch trips somehow when they kicked the floor on accident

Branch: O-Ow! that hurt..

Rider: Oh Em Gee! im am so sorry..

Branch: die kys d-dont do it again

Rider: Okay..

They go to class and they're at the abomination class

Alador: ok class uhm today we are playing kahoot and the questions are about daddy dari- i mean uhm..uhm..flamingos admin videos!!

Class: WOOHOOO!!!!!

the compiter explodes and class somehow ends

Alador: what the hell


Branch: On swing and thinks about that cute boy rider~

Rider: what up hoe

Branch: uhm hi?..

Rider: I-I Actually like you..a-a-a-a-and i didnt mean t-to kick was accident trust!

Branch: sure man ok

Rider: gets manly boner!! G-Gawd dam.. i like it when you're in c-controle..

Branch: Well then..pucker up buttercup..🥴



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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