A Day In My Life - Chapter 1 -

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„Hey. My name is Ashley. Or just Ash, however you like. I'm 14 years old and I suffer from social anxiety (told by my therapist, not me). This so called ‚anxiety disorder' is probably the best word to describe me at this point. It messed up my life when I was younger, but I've learnt to live with it. Don't worry.

I have a few hobbies, I think? I really like music and art as my main ones. Quite coincidental, I know. I'm not here to brag, but I'm on top of my class in art. Though it does gets really annoying when I'm outside of class and drawing. I won't explain why.

It's not really my time to vent about all my problems. Don't want to burn you out, right?"

I sat in my room, looking at my L.E.D lights at the edges of my window. It blinded my eyes, but it didn't bother me. I felt a tear flowing down my cheek, but my brain ignored it. I didn't want to start another crisis.

I lifted off my bed and walked to my bathroom, making sure to be as quiet as possible to not disturb my parents or siblings. Luckily, the bathroom was right next to my room. So that's a relief. I looked at the mirror that was placed on the silver, grey walls of the expanse and I checked to see if I looked okay.

„Ah. My eyes are a bit tired, but it's alright. They're always like that anyways"
I whispered to myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and sprinted into my room as quickly a possible, meanwhile trying not to slam the door. I made it, and I locked it as soon as I got in.

„Thank god I installed that lock."

My consciousness started mentally talking to me about its thoughts on the current situation, but I managed to shut it up. I finally had some free time, so it's good to use it before bed.

I sat down, thinking about something creative to do. Then an idea broke into my mind, like a smooth criminal.

„Wait, what if I go write something?"

Perfect! That's exactly what I'm in the mood for. So I pulled out my pen and my wipe-out, and I was ready to come up with something never heard before. But that was hard, so I had to think creatively.

„Hmm... maybe I could write something about mythology? Or something related? Zodiacs? No, that's a bit too quirky."

My brain told me otherwise on that last part.

„Ooo! Maybe something fantasy! I'm in the mood for some supernatural activity!"

I started writing something, not exactly sure what to continue with. It said,

Powers I'd like to have'

Maybe that could give me some inspiration. I thought about the possibilities. I even had to google some things! But when I was done, my list was more than enough.

‚Powers I'd like to have'

- Telekinesis
- Mind Control
- Death Control
- Time Control
- Unable To Feel Pain
- Seeing People's Past

I thought it was a nice variation, and also some really nice things to write about. I took my pen and continued to scribble some ideas down. I also jotted down another power I wanted  throughout, so I decided I could implement it later. I was ok at writing, so I could probably find a solution eventually.


After 2 hours, I finished. I finally got to where I wanted. I read my page, and I was very proud of what I created. My main character was structured very well, my villain had his reasons to be bad and all my side characters were realistic and had a meaning. It's been a while ever since I written something good, so I decided to keep my short story rather than ripping it and chucking it in the bin like usual. I stuffed it in my drawer like a kid packing up from school, and checked my watch.

"22:30? Has it really been that long?"

I found out, yes. It had been that long.

"Damn. I need to get to sleep. I've got school to go to."

I walked up to my closet and scoured my drawers for a short-sleeved shirt. I found one, though it was kind of worn out. I decided to wear it anyway.
The shirt was a noir black with a tight collar.
It was decorated with a skull-like shape in the middle and was surrounded by silver white stars. It had a slight blue tint to it from all the times it's been washed.
The trousers I chose were also black, but they had a bit of a darker tone. It looked like it matched with the top, but it was just the same colour.

Afterwards, I was ready. Ready for what, you may ask? Well, it's simple. I was ready to sleep. I personally despise sleeping. I've always had problems falling asleep and I still do. It's annoying.

I neared my arm to my mouth to venture to stop my yawn before getting to bed. I flicked my finger on the small button next to my lamp to turn it off. Soon after that, there was an absence of light and sound, just like the one that exists when I'm crying myself to sleep. I put my head on my pillow, and closed my eyes in an attempt to drift away. Surprisingly it works, and I go out like a light in the matter of minutes.


Thanks for reading the first chapter!! You don't know how happy I am to know that you decided to click on my story :) I wish you a great day!

word count: 952

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