Madison At Her Best

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Mom is her usual self and speaks her mind about everything. She has pretty much told Gia to holster those torpedoes from now on and asked me to go grab the woman a decent size top from my wardrobe and is serious. She calls the staff over and tells them to get a better outfit for Gia. They did as asked and had Gia go change her outfit. I was shocked when Gia came back out wearing one of my business suits and it fit her on the top but they had to pin the skirt part.

I can't remember when I was so embarrassed and Mrs Trevelyn wasn't going to allow me to stay if I didn't do as asked. Elliott told me it would be best to do as she asked or we would be thrown out of the party. I guess his grandma has the final word about this, so I do as I am asked to do. The top fit, but the skirt needed to be safety pinned to fit my waist, but it hit my hips just right. It is a Chanel dress suit for a birthday party. It was the only thing that fit my body weight. But I stand out because it is too dressy for the party. Mia's clothing was too small for my body and too long because of her height.

There was no way I was going to stop Maddie from lecturing Miss Matteo on her outfit. I would be sleeping on the sofa bed for life. Carrick knew better than to even look up at Gia. I tried to avoid looking at the boob area, it was hard as hell when they were pointing right at all of us. I was glad to see staff lead her off to do as Maddie asked and changed her outfit. A very conservative dress of Grace's.

There was no way I was allowing her to show off her wares in front of all our men and those teenagers. She should have more class than that. I did notice she changed her attire while selling homes and other properties, once she started working for Christian. I gave her an ultimatum and told her either change or leave. She chose to change and I made my point that I am the matriarch and I am to be obeyed. I laugh my sinister laugh in my mind. This being old helps me get away with telling these gold diggers to cover up their bodies. It's like advertising hey I have a great body and you should leave your wives for me because of it. Seen too many people like her destroy marriages because they want to marry a wealthy man and to hell if their families are hurt by them taking him and his money and never looking back at the destruction. Elliott needs to stop sleeping with her and now. I will be calling him on the carpet for this matter.

Grandma is definitely going to get me to end my friendship with Gia. I can see the writing on the wall already and since Gia is just a friend I think it's best to not bring her around my family again. Well not when grandma is here. I think she made it obvious she doesn't like Gia because she doesn't like women that dress provocatively for the public. She has told us women that show off their wares in such a manner leave nothing to the men's imagination and basically give them the idea they can touch them inappropriately. I tend to notice that seems to be the case. Then they think they can touch other women inappropriately as well.

I saw the whole thing and thought that Gia took it in stride and did as she was asked to do finally. Emily really hates Gia for other reasons she won't tell me about. She says it's not something she wants to tell anyone about.

Gia broke up me and my fiancé a week before our wedding. He left me for her and she told him she wanted more than marrying a small company owner. He sold his company and left Seattle, he is now a best selling novelist and worth millions and he made sure she knew it. He didn't think about how he hurt me and never wanted his rings back. My parents sued him and got the money back from all the wedding preparations and the reception. They also had me sue for alienation of affections and sued Gia as well. I won and they both paid me well. To see her demeaned by an elderly woman was funny. What was funnier was her in a Chanel suit at a birthday party for an 18 year old. Christian and I are just friends who go to different things together to stop our families from setting us up with other single people. At 24 years old they think we should be engaged or married. We both work hard to expand our businesses and have no time to have a family of our own. I like Maddie because she speaks her mind.

I have my eye on one of Mia's girlfriends that I have only met three times. Julie Johnson has big blue eyes with auburn hair and tiny freckles in the shape of a heart that you can see when she wears her swimsuit. It is hard not to notice it above her bust. Her sister Lily came as well, she came to meet the Grey family. I suspect she is after Christian but will settle for Elliott. Definitely after a rich husband. Mom told me that she wants us to make our own way in the world. I am going to school to be a surgeon and so is Anastasia. She is a year behind me, but she took extra courses and was able to take college classes that helped her get ahead of me. I wished I had done that, but I liked being around our friends as well. Anastasia always made birthdays and holidays but she always wanted to be ahead of the game school wise.

I go sit by Robert and we start talking about college and we are both in the same class together so I asked about helping each other with studying. He agrees to us doing that and I am very happy, he makes perfect grades and me not so much. So I might be able to get some idea about how to retain the information in the class.

Emily is talking to her parents and I go talk to Anastasia and Kate about what courses they are taking in college. Kate is taking courses in college to either get into publishing or writing for her father's newspaper. Both are good. Anastasia is going to be a surgeon her brother is taking medical courses as well. Roz and Gwen show up with a gift for Mia and I am betting they were late for other reasons because they look flushed. Emily has arrived by my side after talking to Elliott about a project she has and she wants him involved in it. She might have a crush on Elliott but she's not a player. We decided not to go the sex route and she is too busy to deal with it right now. Always seeing her OB/GYN for her shots and recently finding out that antibiotics affects the birth control shots and everything else. I really didn't need to know all of that, but I keep it for future reference though. I have learned way too much about females monthly from Emily and my sister. Elliott says that at least I know these women well, he gets it from casual dates or one nighters. He had no idea about the antibiotics until a girl tracked him down because she got pregnant because of it. He wasn't the father but he made sure he helped her out with her pregnancy. She still has no idea who the father was. She thinks she was drugged and raped. They couldn't find the guy who was involved. Elliott paid for everything and made sure she had access to investigators to help her locate the guy. They got one good photo of him.

Elliott honey you don't marry that Gia girl. You also need to stop sleeping with her and all the others. Settle down with someone who will commit to you and you want to commit to her. I want great grandchildren soon. Tell your siblings that too. Theo let's go home and go to bed.

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