First Thoughts

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"Wow. She's beautiful. So she's Humphrey's sister? She doesn't act anything like him. But I don't mind that."


"Whoa. Garth has a sister? She's even hotter than Kate. I wonder if she would wanna have some fun together sometime?"


"Wow. That girl is fast. She's awesome at tracking too. She's not much of a a socializer though. I wonder if she'd let me keep her company."


"Huh. So she's the wolf that Marcel and Paddy were talking about. She definitely acts like they said she did. She seems reluctant to trust others though. Maybe I could help her with those trust issues. She seems to need a friend."


"Wow. She's amazing. I can't believe she helped Humphrey and Kate get all the way back home. She seems so kind too."


"Man. Lilly and Kate's sister is hot. She acts like a mix of the two of them and with Eve's feistyness. I like it. But she would never pay a wolf like me any mind. Huh. Maybe she would. She keeps smiling at me. She's pretty cute when she smiles."

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