Average Girls.

3 1 0

I wish you could look at me,
The way you look at other girls...
It scares me,
It makes me wonder...
If I will ever be loved like that...?
I know I'm not as pretty,
I know I'm not as funny,
So where do I fit in...?
Do average girls get to find love?
I've never had someone,
Yet I've lived so many years already...
All my other friends have had their first love,
So when is it my turn?
When will someone love me?
The girl who lacks,
The girl who has so many cracks,
That she thinks she'll fall apart...
Because who will love a tainted girl,
A girl with scars,
A girl with stretch marks,
An imperfect girl...
In an imperfect world,
A girl that will never be loved,
A girl that never had a chance.

Poetry #3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora