Part 1. After the bite

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I never thought I would see her face again. The girl who once captivated my heart and then shattered it into a million pieces. Lucy Gray had run away from me, leaving me alone in the Capitol with nothing but bitter memories and the echoes of her haunting voice. Months had passed since that fateful day when she planted that snake and disappeared into the dark alleys of District 12. The District where I had first laid my eyes on her, a tribute in the Hunger Games, singing her way into the hearts of the masses.

Lucy Gray Bird, a girl born with the gift of song, had been my muse, my obsession. As the days turned into weeks and then months, I often found myself lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts. The rebellion was raging, the Capitol was in chaos, yet all I could think about was Lucy Gray.

What had driven her to defy me, to leave me? Had I not done enough for her? Had I not given her a chance at a better life, away from the hardships of District 12? And then, one evening, as the sun began its descent beyond the towering walls of the Capitol, I heard a familiar melody in the distance. A melody that reverberated deep within my soul, stirring emotions I had long thought buried. The sound grew louder, inching closer, until I could make out the silhouette of a woman standing before me. It was Lucy Gray.

She had returned, her once vibrant and carefree spirit now replaced with a hardened resolve. There was no fear in her eyes, only a determination that sent shivers down my spine. As she approached, I noticed the scars marring her delicate skin, a reminder of the harsh life she had endured since vanishing from my life. I couldn't find the words to speak, my throat dry and constricted. Mustering all my strength, I managed to croak out her name. Her eyes locked onto mine, the intensity cutting through me like a knife. "I came back, Coriolanus," she whispered, her voice laced with both pain and defiance. "I came back to confront you, to make you see the truth." Her words hit me like a bolt of lightning.

The truth? What truth was she talking about? But before I could utter another word, she continued, her voice growing stronger. "You think you can control everything, control everyone. But you couldn't control me, Coriolanus. I may have been just a pawn in your games, but I refuse to be a puppet any longer." I wanted to defend myself, to explain my actions, but the words seemed to escape me. All I could do was stand there, vulnerable and exposed before her. Lucy Gray took a step closer, her presence overwhelming.

There was anger in her eyes, but also a glimmer of something I couldn't quite comprehend. Compassion, perhaps? "I don't know why I came back," she admitted softly. "Maybe it's because I still see a flicker of goodness buried deep within you. Or maybe it's because I wanted to remind you of the consequences of your choices." And with those final words, Lucy Gray turned and walked away, leaving me in a whirlwind of emotions.

In that moment, I realized that I had lost more than just a girl. I had lost a piece of my humanity, consumed by the relentless pursuit of power and control. As I stood alone in the fading light, I made a silent vow to myself. To try and reclaim the person I once was, to find redemption in a world that thrived on darkness. And maybe, just maybe, if I ever had the chance to see Lucy Gray again, she would find a changed man standing before her.

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