History with Mr.von Yggdviel(prologue, short)

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Shivada, commonly referred to as Shiva, is a teenager, who is 16 years of age, and therefore, they are finally qualified to get into 'Professor Yggdviel's advanced history course on the Chronology of Oneirataxia, Shivada 1' they've been waiting ever since their 11th birthday, and as they had turned 16 just before Summer break, they applied for the course over the break, and got in.

Like every morning Shiva got up, but this time, with more excitement than usual, as the sun rays of the first Sun of Oneirataxia, Ilydia, shone into their room, the soft golden light, ran across their face, onto their floor all the way to their wall, complementing the blue-like hue of the room, as they slowly sat up...despite deciding against it the evening before, they slept in shorts and an oversized shirt after all, they let their feet dangle off of their dark, wooden, bed, the mattress so soft that Shiva practically drowned in it whenever they laid on it, a simple luxury of living in X3T-Shivada Station of the institution for otherworldly expeditions, they weren't quite sure who their parents were, but they didn't need to know, after all, they lived on a planet that was a huge mystery to earth and its inhabitants, in a space station that was specialized for research and communication.

Their company? soldiers, biologists, researchers, and such, as for their education, they went to a school specifically created for students of the X3T-Shivada station, this includes children and teenagers of Shivada, whose parents are cooperating with The 'Earthlings' but regardless, Shiva is the first and currently only 'Earthling' Child that was born and raised on X3T-Shivada 1, hence why they're being referred to as Shivada or Shiva, but regardless of their standing to the planet or their status, they got up like every other person, as they tiptoed their way to their bathroom with their uniform in hand, to change and brush their teeth, but then as they reached for their pastel blue toothbrush they froze, seeing themselves in the mirror, there were small gray-ish-blue spots on their left cheek, they took a moment to calm down and access the situation, but they figured they might as well ask on of their teachers later, so they brushed their teeth, washed their face, put on the clothes they brought with them, did their hair and finished up in the bathroom.

As soon as they finished up in the bathroom they headed out into the corridor, running down said corridor to the cafeteria, to have breakfast with the staff as they did every morning, they grabbed a tray as they rushed in, and were immediately stopped by a soldier, he carefully grabbed them to stop them and sighed, "Shiva, no running in the cafeteria" Shivada just grumbled and nodded their head before walking past the Soldier, "Yes, Mr.Davidson....". Mr. Davidson, commonly referred to as Commander is one of the people who encouraged Shiva's interest in history, so Shiva did respect him. However, Shiva sat alone during breakfast, just like they did every morning. After finishing about half of their food, they threw the rest out, and soon enough they rushed down the next corridor, to the locker room, all they did was run in, grab their backpack, and run out again before booking it to the main Hall just to be grabbed again, This time by a researcher "Shivada! No Running!". She scolded, and they simply rolled their eyes before nodding and walking outside. One of the many shuttles was outside, and they got in as soon as they were motioned to do so, then it set off.

They knew the way all too well...every tree...every leaf on the ground...every crack in the road...every blade of grass...they knew it all, the smell of the forest, the berry bushes growing on the side of the road, and the Building that was up ahead...Its thick walls were supported by the trees around it, The Big Door, which was opened every few seconds by students entering the building, the rows of Windows 'decorated' by vines and moss, which had to be cut down by the end of each week, nothings new.

When they got out of the shuttle, they heard a "Have fun at school Shivada!" Before the soldier that had driven the shuttle drove off, they walked towards the building, fast steps of excitement when- "SHIVAAAAAAA!!!!" Yelling their name, was Their classmate, Xilly, accompanied by their other, Classmate, Xiaoyue, as the two approached Shiva, Xilly seemed to be the first to notice "Oh? Shiva, there's something on your face" she commented, as politely as she could, And immediately Xiaoyue stared at them, "Ah right, I don't really know, I was hoping that one of you could know?..." Xiaoyue looked at them for a moment "Mr.von Yggdviel has similar ones, maybe ask him later?" Shiva sighed as Xiaoyue flicked their forehead "Hey! Why you-" they tried flicking him back, but considering he was a Raitiri, he was extremely tall, about 6'4 which is pretty tall in comparison to 'Earthling' teens, so Xiaoyue simply picked them up "No Shot, Shortyyyy" He said in a mocking tone, as he threw them over his shoulder.

Planet X3T-Shivada 1, OneirataxiaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz