Scars and jealousy

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It was morning..6:30 A.M

I washed my face,got dressed in my uniform and ate breakfast before going to school. I took my bag and quickly started walking towards the bus. I sat next to my friend, Anne.

- Hey, girl! Anything new?

I asked for gossips..

- Hiii! I heard that Michael is in loove~ or they're just mocking him..

She said..her tone more like a whisper.

-Oh? Well i hope he gets rejected, and hit by a car.
I rolled my eyes and we started laughing..the bus stopped again. Michael entered..some girls started asking him things and blushing like crazy.

I raised my eyebrow..he looked at me and rolled his eyes, then sat down.
I wanted to be the one that hits him with a car..just to get rid of the stress,but at the same time i felt butterflies when i looked at him..i wanted to punch myself for that..I couldn't like him..right?

At school, i was at the bathroom putting lipgloss..
Anne came to the bathroom running to me..
I looked at her confused and a little nervous..

- Cassie! You've got to see this! Michael is having a fight with Willson! I don't know why, but i want to see it! Come!..

She took my hand and started running to the gym class..there was Mike and Willson,beating their asses off. They both had blood on was a pretty bad fight..

A crowd formed around them..I wasn't so interested. But Willson was one of my friends so I've got to see it..

- Hey look, Marry and Laura are there!..
Anne said. Her attention moved to them instead of the fight.

Me and Anne started walking towards our friends.

-what happened?
I asked clearly confused..

- I think Mike is jealous or something..
Laura said smirking..

-wait what?! Pff! I bet he's insecure or something..
Anne said while chuckling..

Was i now becoming one of the popular girls?, i guess...

I looked at Mike..he got up ,covered in scars..he looked hurt,but Willson was hurt eyes widened..i run towards Willson and help him get up..

- God! Are you okay?!..

I asked with a worried tone..i sat him on a bench and cleaned the blood from his face with a tissue..

-You're hurt badly! L-let's go to the nurse..or principal?
I asked very shocked and stressed..

-no,it's alright..I'm alright, Cassie. Thank you..
He smiled at me.

I helped him get up and go to the nurse's office..Michael looked at me..annoyed and with a bit of jealousy.
I look at him and give him an angry and disappointed look. He looks away from me and starts walking away..

I was so confused and angry..what got them in such a fight?..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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