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..... The two demons kept analyzing each other, making theories about each other, making presumptions and making decisions on the next move they will make.

It felt like they were competing for years already, just by doing that.

It felt like.. Destiny?

It was as silent as the paws of a feline inside the room, that it became even possible to hear a sneeze from the guard outside the door. It was agonizingly quiet but neither the boys started to conversate, too busy glaring at each other like two cats fighting for a piece of meat, but instead, they were fighting for no actual reason.

So the man sitting in the chair feeling a bit uncomfortable took it to himself to act and stop this telepathical fight.
"Cough cough...uhum.."
He fake coughed bringing the attention to him, stopping the tension, making it tiny pieces of sand which were blown away, but the particles never actually fly out of the office.
Both boys looked at him, waiting for him to talk first.

"Well boys, why don't you two introduce yourselfs, you should start first, Dazai, don't you think?"
The oldest man said in his usual kind nice voice that he used on children.

"Yeah you're right, (I'm sorry) it was pretty rude of me for not saluting and introducing myself when first meeting you."
Dostoievski said with his not so new calm demeanor. The apology left unsaid, but still completely awknowleged as if it was actually said.

"I also apologize."
The executive said right after the russian boy. His words were quick and direct to the point.

"Well then.. My name is Dazai Osamu and I'm an executive, nice too meet you, now tell me about you.. what's your name?"
Dazai presented himself quickly with the smallest polite smile even though he didn't want the other to actually know not even the minimum about him. He sensed even in his blood that the other boy is dangerous, he was just on his level or maybe more than his. It kinda excited him but not now, there was no time for that today.

"Happy to meet you Dazai, my name is Pjotr Yvosk, I'm new in the mafia, I'm 17 years old and as you can predict from my accent I'm from Russia."
Fyodor introduced all these false information, even if not requested to the brunette with a devilish smirk on his face.

Dazai after the loss of his polite smile that he wore, he just nodded, and noted in his mind that 'Pjotr Yvosk' ... Is going to show his real face sooner or later, by Dazai taking off that mask from the the other's face or himself by his own volition.

"Well now that you've both introduced yourselfs I've got something to tell you two." Mori talked calmly and carefully.

Both boys now set their eyes on Mori and the ways they looked at him didn't need to be elaborated into phrases for you to understand the meaning. Their's expression told him to proceed.

" I've decided since Yvosk-kun is new here and you're about to make a torture session, I wondered, why not make him accompany you?"
Only Dazai also knew the another meaning behind those words.

And what it also meant was
'Show him Fear, make him regret coming here, show off your skills in torture.'
Oh, Dazai would definitely show off if it meant any good to the mafia but he guessed the other boy next to him would not back down so easily by the way he was now smiling so earnestly at him.

Dazai doesn't know him but he will.

When Fyodor heard he would be assisting The Demon Prodigy in his torture session, oh how excited he became, he was going to see with his very own eyes how bad is actually Dazai.
Ah, and he also hoped that Dazai would join him on his ultimate goal.

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