Jisahi: The New Student

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Stepping out of his dorm, Jihoon headed for the art classroom where his first period class would be. He had been going to school there for two years now, and was excited to see if any new students showed up for the course. The last year, no one new had joined, maybe because of the growing interest people had in business, he had thought. Walking into the classroom, his shoulders dropped, not seeing any new faces, until he looked in the very back to see a slightly smaller man hunched over a notebook. Jihoon felt his heart jump in excitement, debating internally with himself if he should go over to the boy and ask about him. He decided not to, worried he may scare the new student away before class even began, so he took his things and sat at a table two rows over, giving the new student room to himself, but also allowing Jihoon to observe him.

As class started, Jihoon noticed that the new student didn't look up from his notebook even once. Curiosity urged his mind to ask about it; what he was doing, and why he thought that was more important than a college course they all had to be accepted into. He shook his head, turning his attention back to the class, deciding to worry about the boy later. But throughout the entire period, he just couldn't get the new student off his mind. Even the work he had done for class had little hints, like the colours the boy was wearing, and even a side profile of someone who he quickly turned into a girl once he realised what he was doing. By the time the bell rang, the new student was gone, his table clean as if he hadn't been there in the first place. Seeing that, Jihoon quickly put his things away and rushed out of the classroom, hoping to see which direction or classroom the boy went. Much to his demise, he saw no trace of him, so Jihoon decided he should go to his next class as well.

Second period was the same as before, this class being a sculpting class, typically reserved for Juniors and Seniors, occasionally allowing an exceptional Sophomore in for lessons. A big part of Jihoon had hoped the new student from his first period class was a Sophomore, just a student he had never met before. He knew the kid had to be talented, considering he ignored the entire first period lesson. But sadly, he didn't see him there either. With a sigh, he began working on a sculpture, going for a tiger sitting by the water. An assignment that was meant to describe how you feel. And that's what it was. Jihoon felt strong like a tiger, but had no more intention than to relax and observe the nature around him. Of course, there's no way he could finish it in just one class, but he was satisfied with how it turned out. Stepping back from his craft, he smiled to himself, proud that he could do so much in just one period. Though just as soon as he felt happy, his mind was whisked away as he saw the same new student from before pass by the classroom door. Eager to even learn just the boys name, Jihoon ran out of the class, swiftly dodging the other students in the room. Running up to the student, he called out, out of breath, "Hey-!" Startled, the boy turned around, unsure if he was the one being spoken to. "Hi?" the boy responded, sounding confused.

"Sorry, I didn't scare you, did I?"

"Hm, no. I don't typically get scared..."

This made Jihoon even more curious. He doesn't get scared? But he looked so timid sitting in the back of the room just before. Shaking away his thoughts, Jihoon asked the question he originally ran out for. "It's your first day, isn't it? What's your name? I'd love to show you around," he offered with a smile, sticking his hand out for the other boy to shake. The latter replied with a monotone, "Asahi," turning to leave for his third and last class of the day. But Jihoon's curiosity just couldn't leave it there, so he reached out and grabbed the boy, now known to him as Asahi's, arm. Asahi turned around with a small frown, silently asking what he was stopped for, the second time for that matter. "My name is Jihoon. I'm a Junior here, and noticed you paid no attention to the first class. I was wondering why that might be," the older finally admitted, taking a breath when Asahi didn't reply, continuing, "Are you a Freshman?" Asahi smirked to himself, finding the question funny. He shook his head, mumbling a response that Jihoon didn't catch. He smiled and pulled his arm away from the taller artist, walking off to his next class, leaving the latter to stare, lost in thought. By the time Jihoon came to, the bell had already rung, signaling that he was late to his last class. With that, he darted in the direction of his classroom, hardly thinking about what they would be doing that day.

Once they day finished, Jihoon had originally planned to sleep the rest of the day off, having stayed up the night before trying to binge the final few episodes of his favourite show before school officially started again. Though as he left his class, he noticed Asahi exit from the room right across from him. Maybe he missed it, being too dazed by curiosity to notice the classroom in which Asahi had entered, but now he knew that everyday that the two of them attended class, he would get to see Asahi at the end of the day. This made Jihoon strangely excited, his feet moving before his head, where he now stood, catching Asahi by surprise for the second time that day. "Hyung—" Asahi fumbled with his things, shoving some books in his bag "—are you following me?" Jihoon took a step back, thinking back to their interactions that day. First he stared at Asahi, no matter how much he tried to stop himself from doing so, then he rushed out of his second class just to ask his name and what grade level he was in, and now he was right there after his last class without either of them confirming which classes they'd be going to. Jihoon sighed to himself, an awkward smile forming on his face. "No, I'm not. Sorry," he started, adjusting his own bag on his shoulders, "You just caught my eye this morning, and I guess we just kept running into each other." Asahi tilted his head at that, wondering if he should believe this story, whether it be true or not. In the end, he nodded, deciding not to fight the version of their day that had just been told to him. "So since you're not a Freshman, what grade level are you?" Jihoon asked, realising he would get no verbal recognition from the other. "Sophomore, but it's my first year at this school," Asahi admitted, this having been the most detail he had said about himself.

"Oh really? What made you transfer?"

"Better versions of the courses at my old school. Plus they reached out to me first. Apparently they liked that work I was doing."

Asahi shrugged, almost as if it was no big deal to him. But Jihoon was amazed. Even he had to work hard to get any recognition from the school, but Asahi was emailed by them first? It felt unreal to him, like he was meeting some sort of celebrity. Then it hit him. Hadn't there been a rumour of a famous transfer student going into the art courses? That was why Jihoon was looking out in the first place, he wanted to see if the rumour was true. "Hamada..." Jihoon muttered out, suddenly remembering the surname of the rumoured transfer student. "Hm?" Asahi turned, confused by the older boy's quietness.

"You're Hamada Asahi, aren't you?"

"Oh..yes, I am."

"Holy shit!"

This sudden outburst made Asahi laugh, walking down the hall now that most of the students had cleared out. Taking a moment to process, Jihoon quickly followed behind Asahi, sputtering out questions, one after the other. Asahi just smiled, brushing him off and heading for the dorms. Once they arrived at the building, Asahi turned around, putting his hand out to Jihoon. "It was nice to meet you, Park Jihoon. I heard a lot about you before I came here. You're why I decided to transfer. Let's chat again sometime!" he laughed out, grinning. Jihoon took the other's hand in his, shaking it, barely processing what had been said to him. And just as Asahi left, Jihoon finally understood what he heard. "Wait...he came here for me?! I influenced Hamada Asahi?!" With those questions in mind, he tried to chase after the boy, knowing he had to ask more about him.

(Extra space cause I personally like the have the text in the middle of my screen)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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