.........A Strange Happiness......

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The voice that never left his mind. Telling him that he is useless and deserve all this pain. Telling him that he is a bad luck and just a burden to this earth. It might be painful- no- actually it is painful to know that there is no one who love's you. No one will cry if you disappeared, no one will worry, no one will care at all. Not even your own birth giver, your mother.

Just like today, a Sunday, she isn't home, she said that she has to do over time on Sundays. With those sweet  and worried eyes, anyone would believe her, but not the boy of her own blood. Like Koji will believe that she is doing over time and not going to some bar or pub to get drunk and find some lusty men to pleaser her. Nope, he isn't this stupid.

But today he is glad that she isn't home 'cause he can spend today in peace; today his so called classmates slash bullies went to some camp site (Koji hopes that they stay there forever). The fact made his way to home from extra music classes smooth like butter. Even if its not the biggest effort but still; At least he won't go home with bruises. 

' Go on and enjoy your life, making others terrible'

Not that voice again. After that 'incident' Koji promised himself that no matter what happens he would never listen to that voice; even if he knows that a part of him some where believes the voice itself. Once again ignoring that evil voice Koji enters the lift of his apartment. He make sure he pays no mind to that voice as he wait the lift to carry him. reaching fifth floor he enters his House. 

Ready to be greeted by nothing but dead silence, he opens the black door labeled 'Hasuke' . And look he was right! Nothing but dead silence. even if he should be used to it, as it the same from past four years, he is not. A deep sigh escapes his lips, Koji closes the door. Taking his shous off he take small steps. His soft breaths the only sound as his eye finds something unusual. Even if finding something new isn't the hardest job in a house where nothing changes place, this was some thing big.

   It was their dinning table, which was barely used for more than one person. It was covered with a Thousand red roses. Crimson and coral roses struggling to sat at table, it looked like some one had hand picked every rose and took hours to set them this beautifully. Slowly walking to the table, Koji stared at the mesmerizing sight before him. Reaching the table, the soft smell of roses tickle his nose. He picked up one of the only to realize that there were no thrones on them. Seems like the person is very efficient at gifts. 

Emerald green eyes run though the table that had tuned into a rose bed as they catch something. A white daisy with a card. Softly grabbing the card and daisy , he reads it:

Dear Koji, 

I am  sorry I can't be there with you. I don't like seeing you sad, not a bit. right now I can't do much, but I hope you like his small gift. This is the least I can do to make you smile a little. your smile is precious to me, and I hope I can be the reason to see it more. Wait a little more and bear it a little. I will make all your problems go away. Please don't let that hope die.  


'I don't like seeing you sad, not a bit.'  Were the world that rang through Koji's mind, there were other things too like; How did they entered the house? Or How are they? But that line was taking the most space. Someone did cared....... Koji looks towards the door and then back at his hands. A Daisy, it meant hope in flower language. 

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