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because this is wattpad. because people do not care. because people would rather choose to be ignorant and go about their daily lives without the slightest thought about the children, the women, the men and the old being murdered in Gaza. because they choose ignorant bliss every. single. time. because they cannot stand the sight of themselves after making that choice. and because they can.

i bring you this; a story.

and what better way to capture the attention of those who run away from facts if not fiction?

this is a story of a boy and girl in khan yunis.

and it all started with a bomb.

❜  ⋮   𝕯ISCLAIMER ,,

i may be the least qualified person to write this, but i have taken it upon myself to atleast try. in a way, this is more for me than anything else. ive always held palestine close to my heart long before october 7th. longer than i can remember. its a part of my childhood, woven so intricately in my memories that to try and unstring it and seperate it from everything else is to pull out my own beating heart and tell my body "go on, live"

i have written diary entries, i have sobbed many nights BEFORE 2023, and i have fought with a classmate over palestine

as you will see, the structure of writing in this book will be slightly off. dialogue will feel alien and the whole feel of it with push you just a slight bit into uncomfortable curiousity. this will mostly be because i have been speaking and thinking in arabic for a bit and the structures of both languages are vastly different. kind of like reading a translated book but without the eloquence and prettiness. keep in mind that i am not completely fluent in the language too, but i find arabic such a powerful and moving tongue.

give this book a shoutout will you?

post it on your pages and add to your reading lists and anything else you feel like doing. voting and commenting would be marvelous.

i do not hate jewish people. i hate the israel government and those who support them.

this is NOT anti-seminism. this is anti-zionism

and there's a special spot waiting for you in hell bibi netanyahu

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placing the cover in better quality here because wattpad won't do it justice

when stars bloom in khan yunisWhere stories live. Discover now