- hail from the flames - (part 2)

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Both beys speed around the stadium at record speeds
They go in for a clash and sparks fly
Elijah:Ok go in for another Attack
MuraMasa gets shot back and speeds towards Kagutsuchi
They clash again and again
Maria:Something not right
Kai:Nothing is right with him
Maria:No like he's acting different
Elijah:Goo MuraMasa
MuraMasa hits the Xtreme line
Maria:this early
MuraMasa speeds around the stadium and makes a B line towards Kagutsuchi
Kagutsuchi tilted down and MuraMasas blade made contact with the gear chip and Kagutsuchi went back up launching MuraMasa into the air
Maria:Ok he's acting like he's using MuraMasa katana not MuraMasa Nagamaki
MuraMasa lands on the wall of the stadium and speeds down towards Kagutsuchi
Elijah:Now hit them with a flower pattern
MuraMasa started doing that and kept Kagutsuchi in the middle of the stadium but even with all these attacks it is still at full power
MuraMasa started to lose stamina
Elijah:We can end this now
MuraMasa hits the Xtreme line again
MuraMasa speeds around like crazy and yellow Digital been comes out an a Samurai holding two Nagamaki appears
It made a Direct hit with Kagutsuchi and both went flying back but MuraMasa just landed back fine, Kagutsuchi hit the Xtreme line and speeds around the stadium with lightning following and a black Digital beam comes out of the bey and a demonic being
It reached the end of the Xtreme line and both beys clashed
MuraMasa gets thrown back into the wall so hard it scratches it and MuraMasa is low on stamina but Kagutsuchi is still fine
MuraMasa starts to wobble even more and lose all its stamina
Digital ref: Kagutsuchi Wakizashi spin finish, Cade is the winner
Kai gets up and stretches
Kai:since both of you can't do shit it's up to me
Kai goes up
Kai:First official battle of my New Bey Viking Gungnir
He points it at a camera
Chrome:So you have a New Bey.
He smirks
Digital ref: fourth battle
Kai grips his launcher tightly
Digital ref:Ready set
Kai:3! 2! 1! GOO SHOOT!!
Viking speeds towards the centre of the stadium as Kagutsuchi speeds around
Kagutsuchi goes In for an attack but it does nothing
Maria:yer that's it
Kagutsuchi goes in for attack after attack but nothing again and again
Kagutsuchi hits the Xtreme line and speeds up like crazy and goes for the attack but it barely does anything
Kai closes his eyes and sees Kagutsuchi as cobalt drake
Kai:Now Viking
Viking hits the Xtreme line
Kai:Xtreme DASH
Viking goes around the stadium at vary fast speeds
And a Viking wielding a Gungnir
Kade:End this Kagutsuchi
Kagutsuchi gets a gigantic Orange digital beam coming out and a demonic monster appears
They clash and the largest gust of wind comes out
Viking goes under and hits the ratchet full Force but it doesn't burst
Kagutsuchi speeds up and hits the Xtreme line
Viking takes the centre
Skye:Yer that's it
Kagutsuchi speeds around and makes the fastest b line for Viking
Viking goes flying
Viking lands on the edge of the stadium
Kai:now Gungnir RAGE
Viking speeds up and crashes right into the ratchet
It felt like time stopped
And a large crash is heard
Digital ref: Viking Gungnir whit a burst finish Kai is the winner
Dawn:One member for each team all you have to do is win
Skye looks at her bey
Skye runs up to the stadium
Skye:We are winning this
Kai:hmm HAHAHA I would like to see you try
Maria:what's with him?
Elijah:i don't know
Digital ref:Ready set
Kai/Skye:3! 2! 1! GOO SHOOT!!
Viking goes straight for the Centre as Demon speeds around
Skye:Now GOOO
Demon speeds in a goes for a flower pattern on Viking
Skye:Yer that's it
Viking wasn't losing any steam
Skye:Keep going
Viking gets knocked out of the Centre
Kai smirks
Viking tilted down and speeds around the stadium
Skye:Dodge it
Viking hits demon into the Xtreme line but demon doesn't do a Xtreme Dash
Skye: finish them
Demon pushes Viking into the centre
Kai:It's not that EASY
Viking started too glow
Viking speeds up and hits the Xtreme line
Viking speeds around the stadium
Skye:Don't let this stop us DEMON CHAIN
Demon starts glowing
Skye:this ends now
Viking speeds towards demon
They clash and a bolt of lightning comes out of the stadium
Everyone covered their faces
Elijah feels his leg get hit by something
Elijah crouches down and picked it up
Elijah:Demon chain!?
Digital ref: Viking Gungnir whit a over finish. Team x bursts win
Elijah:We did it
Maria:Yer we did
Kai just started walking out of the arena
Elijah:That's strange
Maria:Yer he probably would have celebrated
Elijah:Whatever hey want to grab some lunch
They also walked out

I know this is short

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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