Dann-dy Problems ☆彡

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I awoke to the sound of tapping on my window

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I awoke to the sound of tapping on my window. I flip onto my side. Now facing the nightstand, I lift my hands to my face, and I wipe my groggy eyes. I stare at my alarm clock until the fog surrounding my vision clears.

3:32 am

I groan loudly, and sit up in my bed, running my fingers through my messy, tangled hair. I turn to the window, left to my bed, and narrow my eyes to get a glimpse of what woke me up.

A low whisper came from behind the glass. "Lexa, come on! Wake up, wake up!" I groan again. "Danny?! You need to get back home right now. It's 3 in the morning. You're like 6, Don't you have school tomorrow?"

"Mommy says I don't have to go because we have court with daddy tomorrow!" He exclaims loudly. I blankly stare at him for a couple seconds before pushing the covers fully off of me. I crawl over to the window, and unlatch the handles. Sliding the window up, I speak in a low tone.

"Danny, I'm sure your mother would be worried sick if she woke up and noticed you were missing." He furrows his brows and sticks his hands on his hips. "W-Well mommy said she went to a birthday party with her friends, so she wouldn't even notice I'm out anyways!"
I roll my eyes and chuckle a bit, my voice still a little scratchy. "You still need to go to sleep."

He stared back in response; Not moving an inch. I sighed, and began to slowly shut my window again. "Bye~" I sang as I slowly lowered the window over my view of his face. He stuck his lip out, pouting as he watched me disappear through the curtains.

I smile to myself, slightly giggling as I imagine him throwing a tantrum on the way home. I sit in the same position for a couple of minutes, letting myself have some peace and quiet, as I succumb to my drowsiness.

The first thing I heard, was a loud clang. I didn't think much of it, probably just the cat after all.
I sit up slightly and turn my head to the right of my bed, my eyes still blurry from the morning. I see a big blob of yellow, focusing my vision on the blob; it starts to reveal the blonde boy next door. Danny.

And there, a mess beside him. My floor was covered in a large pile of my supplies for witchcraft. I looked to my desk, where the original position for the mess was supposed to be.

My eyes return to the blonde little boy who's covered in spider webs, liquid spell(not safe for a kid), and crystals in his grubby little hands. "Danny." He jerks his head in my direction. "Huh, what? I wasn't doing. . nothing. ." he ticks his hands into his back pockets. Behind him, a crystal drops to the floor.


"I . . was just going to give that to you! I found it . . uhm . . on the floor..?" He smiles reassuringly. I grab a pillow from behind me and chuck it at him. "Stay out of my stuff, Danny."

I stretch and crack my knuckles. Sitting up, I reach my hand down toward him and ruffle his hair. "Come on, let's get you home to your mama." He pushes my hand off his head, upset. "Nooo, I wanna stay here!" He grabs my shirt and pulls hard as he can before I can make it to the door. "pleaaaasee?"

I sigh loudly, turning back to him. "No, but what I can do is try to convince your mom to let me stay over for a bit." I smile at him. He pouts again, but reluctantly lets go of my shirt. "Fine."

With a sigh, I opened my door. I gestured at him to follow behind me. I grabbed a jacket from the counter and slungsling it over my shoulders. I, and then glanced at my sister on the couch.

She was awake now, and as I walked closer, she turned to me and Danny. Taking in his presence, she replied, "How did you get in?"

Danny gave a small look at me, and then back at her. "I don't know . ." Iris scoffed, and then went back to the movie she was watching on the couch.

I walked past her, with Danny just behind me. After putting mine and his shoes on, we begin to walk outside. The air gave a slight chill to Danny, but the jacket helped limit it for me. Out of guilty conscience, I took it off and handed it to him.

He stared up at me, and smiled. After putting it on himself, he started to talk about the upcoming court case with his mother. Just halfway down the sidewalk, we then got into the conversation of how the court case apparently happened. "Mommy said daddy was outside our house, and wanted to get in." I nodded in response.
This wasn't a real surprise to me. "That's great, Danny."

The conversation went on for just a few more seconds, before we eventually reached his house. I waited outside as he went to ask his mom to stay for the night. I could imagine him repeatedly begging to stay, and still somehow getting his way. I chuckled at the thought.

    Finally, him and his mom walked out of the house. His mother having a very obvious annoyed, and tired glare. Danny had already begun to walk to my house, so it gave me limited time to really talk to his mom, but I guess Iris could always unlock the door for him.
...If she was awake.

    "You better not summon any demons after my son, Lexi." She joked, patting me on my back. "But please do take care of him," She paused, and then looked at me for my name.

    "Ah, May." I replied. She smiled softly, before nodding and speaking again. "Make sure he doesn't get into much trouble tonight, May." I chuckled, giving her a thumbs up for assurance. Then, I made my way back.

    She reminded me of my own mom. Walking back, I could hear Danny's screams of "Hurry up," and "Why are you so slow?" I groaned and quickened my pace.

    The day wasn't bad at all, if anything it was the least climactic, and was pretty peaceful. A few hours more, the sky had already darkened and my time with Danny had begin to end as the little boy became increasingly drowsy. I decided to put him to bed before he passed out on the living room floor.

   "Time for bed, Danny." I tried to sound nicer, but my own tiredness had apparently been shown in my voice. He looked over at me, frowning. "Nooo.." He begged. "Yeess," I replied.

    "It's bedtime, c'mon." I motioned for him to follow me into my room. As he took his time, I went ahead and set up the inflatable mattress for him. A series of grumbles and mumbles following behind me.

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