•Rules & Disclaimer•

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1– Be respectful. Please be kind and respectful to everyone involved in this book. Don't get mad at someone if their character ends up getting chosen as a main character, or if their character kills your character in the story, and, don't get mad at me, either. Any form of rudeness towards me or other people will result in you being blocked and your characters being removed from the story (either by being killed off, or simply ceasing to exist, depending on the role they play.)
2– I'm, the writer, I have full control over the story. By applying your character(s) to this book, you are giving me full permission to do as I'd like with them, that's how applyfics work, that means that can die, get badly injured, find a mate, anything can happen to them. First pass is your favorite color. I would prefer not to get yelled at because I gave someone's character a scar.
3– Make interesting, unique characters. I would like all the characters to be unique, and interesting, not some cardboard cutout that is the typical "pretty but shy," wolf, or "evil murdery wolf, must be mean," kind of characters, I want characters that are interesting to write about, I want characters with unique traits, and strengths and weaknesses, the more interesting I find the character, the more likely I'll be to choose them! Just keep appearances realistic while having them be varied, I'll be fairly flexible on this, but no blue wolves, or wolves with red or purple eyes.
4– The more detail the better! I want to see effort put into your form, add detailed descriptions of your character's appearance, personality, backstory, give me something to work with!
5– Read the info! There will be plenty of info about the world that this story takes place in, and, it will be important, so please, read it before you go and make your character! Also read the disclaimer (which will be listed below), so that you know what themes this book may cover, that you may be uncomfortable with.
6– Actually pay attention to the book! This is a pretty obvious rule, but, I do expect you to at least read the book if you add a character(s), you don't have to vote and comment on every chapter, but, I would like you to pay at least a bit of attention to it.
7– This is fiction, these characters aren't real. I've seen issues with this around in a few things that I've been reading, where people are getting really passionate about characters, and either making very violent threats towards characters they dislike, or saying things like they'll end it all if this character they like dies, please, don't do this.
8– No role-hogging. For the time being, I'm only allowing one high-role character per person, but this may change. Do not use alt accounts to get around this. Roles are first come, first serve. This does mean that, if someone takes a role that may have to be a mated pair, you would have to pay attention to their form as well as the guidelines.
9– Rules exist for a reason. Please follow the rules, they're here to make things more enjoyable for everyone, and, if you see anyone that isn't following the rules, simply let me know and I can take care of it, don't go starting a fight or anything! If you fail to comply to these rules, you'll either get a warning, which, if you get three of, you're out, I may just let you know that something isn't up to the expected standards, or, you could get blocked! In order to make sure you read the rules, there is a pass that must be included in the form.



This book may focus on some sensitive themes including: scenes depicting animal death, injuries, blood and gore, and scenes including paranormal activity and themes. This list will be updated depending on characters submitted. If you are triggered by any of these, I'd suggest not joining!

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