the gays

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For context, this takes place almost a year after part 2. Or something, I dunno. However long it would take for the two to trust each other this much.

I woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping near my window. The most fucking cliché thing to wake up to, I thought. Damn, that was annoying. I screamed into my pillow for a good minute or two before getting out of bed.

I walked down to the caves again, this time for something different, and found something unexpected. "Came to see me?" I turned around and there they were. Obscurity. I realized somehow I was already in the void.

I found myself so close to them so quickly I felt a bit dizzy. I started to fall, but they caught my back while I started to blush, I couldn't help but think about how cute they were right now. (Holy fuck, how many more clichés am I going to experience today?! Let me guess, this'll end up as a candlelight dinner? But not gonna lie that doesn't sound too bad, actually.)

I literally just stared at them for almost a minute, when they broke the silence. "Uh.. why are you looking at me like that?"
I quickly stood up, realizing what had happened. "I- um, it's just that- I mean-"
"Relax, okay? Is something stressing you out? Oh fuck it's me isn't it, I should go maybe, but I mean you probably wanted to be here.." They took a breath. "I'll be honest, I have no idea what's going on either."
They started fidgeting with a small chunk of pure matter in their hands, seeming anxious about something.

"Is everything alright? You look pretty nervous-" They reached out to hold my hand, and when I gave them mine, they latched on immediately, albeit incredibly tightly.

They started blushing, looking away. "Y-yeah, I kinda am. It's just that... I realize now, I... I like you, Blixer. I really like you. As in, I..." They shied away. "I think I want to like, date you? I don't know. I mean, feelings are complex, I might just be an emotionally unstable wreck, I could be-"

I pulled them in for a kiss.

Everything felt so right in this moment, I couldn't help but enjoy myself. For once I knew that everything would turn out okay. All I could think was how much I never wanted this to end, how much I wanted- no, needed them with me, how much I truly loved them.

The kiss broke as I reluctantly gasped for air.

They put a finger to my lips. "Shh. You don't need to explain." Their voice got more quiet as they half-smirked. "Besides, I just know we both enjoyed that."

"I thought you probably haven't seen the stars before, so if you wanted, I could take you to my favourite stargazing spot or something?" I asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
"I'd... love to." They don't really smile much, but I could tell they were thrilled from the way they were stimming, blushing, and barely managing to hold back the excitement in their voice.
We teleported back to Paradise, the sun was beginning to set now.
"Come on!" I took their hand as I ran all the way out to the hills, them somehow managing to keep up with me. After awhile of sprinting, I stopped.
"Is... is this it?" they asked.

I got nervous. "Do you not like it, or..?"
I didn't even notice that they already sat down on the hill, knees up, expression blank. They seemed entranced staring towards the night sky.
"It's... beautiful... I love it."
"Mind if I sit down?" I wanted to make sure I didn't kill the vibe they had going on. I think this is one of the only times I'd ever seen them truly at peace.
"Go ahead", they motioned for me to sit beside them, still not taking their gaze away from the stars. When I did, I felt their hand interlace with mine.

Hours had passed since we sat down, though it felt like mere minutes. The atmosphere was quiet, but at that point I didn't need to have them say anything to know how they felt.

Their voice gently broke that silence, almost at a whisper. "Blix, I need you to do something for me."
"...kiss me. Right now. Back in my void, I... I can't even describe how amazing it felt. I need that again. And on such a nice night like this..."
I put my lips to theirs, enjoying this bliss once more. I didn't want to let go this time.

We held the kiss for what felt like forever, until I was out of breath.
They looked back at me. "Hm?"
"Wanna take this a step further?" I smirked.
"Like... making out? I guess-"
"I mean even *further* than that. You know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean, but-"
"Then let's go~! Unless you aren't up for it?"
"Blix, I... I can't."

I turned back. "Something wrong?" I asked, a bit concerned from the tone in their voice. "What do you mean you 'can't'?"
"Blix." They took a deep breath. "I'm ace."

I stopped for a second.

"...Ohhhhhhh." I nodded.
"You're not mad?"
I looked at them, perplexed. "Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know, I guess it just feels like I ruined the moment or something?"
"Honestly, if anything I feel like *I* ruined the moment." I chuckled.

Thing is, they don't really smile. At all. But I guess they do it more with their eyes? So I guess they smiled with their eyes.

"What do we do now?"
"Sit here." They motioned to a spot on the ground beside them.

"Right now, from the angle you're at, some constellations should be perfectly aligned. Think about that. Millions of lightyears away, there's probably a trillion planets on your exact coordinate." They proceeded to explain.

"Cool, right?"
"You should totally teach astrology or something."
They chuckled. "Actually, that would be astronomy, not astrology, but thanks."

About an hour had passed. I started to feel myself drifting off. Weirdly, I felt a blanket on top of me. Perfect temperature and everything. It only added to my sleepiness as I started to dream about the stars and everything Obscurity had mentioned.

"Good night then, Blix." They had whispered, except he was already deeply asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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