-Rainy night-

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(So yeah I see a lot of Frankly Dear fics with a Rainy night connecting Eddie and Frank soo. WHY NOT JUST DO IT FOR BARNABY X HOWDY?! Enjoy :3 this is probably the longest chapter i've written yet, so someone please read this.)

Howdy was out in the neighborhood, delivering a few packages of items before he had to go back to his shop, it was starting to get a bit cloudy which slightly worried Howdy, he waved to Eddie as he passed him, he walked over to Julie's house and knocked on her door. No answer. He could only hear her voice talking to someone on the phone. His antennae perked up as he listened.

"And what makes you think I'll help you?! After you say my jokes are bad! Ugh!"

Howdy was a bit confused on who she was talking to. But Howdy decided he shouldn't eavesdrop, Howdy heard Julie slam the phone back to it's stand, before Howdy knocked again. 

"Coming!" Julie shouted in her usual happy tone, it was a complete 180 to how she was talking before, as she ran over to the door. She opened it quickly to see Howdy's face. Smiling at her.

"Well hello Julie! I got your order here, what was it? Beads and string for friendship bracelets right?" Howdy spoke quickly to Julie as he handed Julie the two packages, his four arms made quick work of it, while Julie seemed to struggle a bit.

"Yep- This is great! I better-" Julie was obviously struggling with the weight of the packages, but was interrupted  by her rotary phone ringing. "Ugh! If that's him again I swear-"

"If that's who Julie? I don't mean to be a little noisy caterpillar but you've peaked my interest a bit." Howdy said, trying to lighten the mood up a bit, Julie looked a bit nervous.

"Why? It's just- Frank! Yeah Frank! Frank and I got into a small fight.." Julie chuckled nervously in a way you'd expect from Eddie, then she dropped the packages and slammed the door, Howdy could hear her mumble. "Joyful.. You nearly broke a promise.." Howdy was confused and said through the door;

"Well I hope you and Frank make up then.."  Howdy wanted to try and pry for more but decided to keep on his path, heading towards Frank's house, he saw Frank sitting on the porch talking to Eddie, Howdy was a few feet away and assumed Frank nor Eddie saw him yet, as Howdy was heading toward the house, he saw Frank.. Kiss Eddie?! Not on the cheek or forehead, on the lips! Howdy mouth dropped open (Like a puppet's) and he dropped the packages he was holding, causing a loud noise, Frank turned his head 180° toward Howdy and it freaked him out since he forgot Frank could do that, Frank turned redder than a tomato and screamed at Howdy.

"GET AWAY FROM US YOU-" Frank's head had begun spinning as Eddie put his hands on Frank's head to stop it. 

"Now now, Frank. You'll get dizzy, and I know you get nauseous easily.." Eddie said to Frank in a rather calming voice, which seemed to work on Frank as he still stared at Howdy.

"Don't tell a single soul about this.." Frank spoke menacingly to Howdy as he glared at him, Howdy nodded and quickly ran off. Before he ran back and walked picked up the packages, he walked over to Frank.

"Yeah.. Here's your groceries." Howdy said nervously as he handed Frank his packages, where Eddie thanked him while Frank still glared at him.

Howdy then nervously walked away. Toward his bodega, thinking a bit about what he saw, his thoughts were interrupted when he felt like a gallon of water was poured onto him, he looked up and saw it was now pouring, Howdy used his hands to cover his head as he looked around quickly for some kind of shelter, he saw either Home, who looked a bit annoyed by the rain, Wally was completely soaked as his hair hung over eyes, his hairstyle which Howdy assumed took a gallon of hairspray, was completely ruined,  as Wally was trying to save the picture he was painting. Howdy looked to the other side where he saw Barnaby's house, the choice was obvious  as Howdy ran over to Barnaby's house and quickly knocked on the door, with one of his lower arms, the other 3 still covering his head from the rain.

Howdy heard Barnaby walking toward the door, Howdy was hoping he'd come fast so he wouldn't get too soaked.. But it was basically too late, Howdy was covered in water, and mud covered his shoes. Barnaby opened the door and laughed when he saw Howdy.

"Oh bud! What happened to ya?" Barnaby said as he covered his mouth to stop laughing. "Sorry.. Anyway get inside before ya get a cold!" Barnaby said as he grabbed Howdy's wet arm and pulled him inside. "Why weren't you at your bodega? I heard it's gonna be a real bad storm tonight. Thunder, lighting. All of the spooky storm stuff." 

Howdy moved his wet, blue hair of his eyes, and looked at Barnaby with a bit of tension. 

"Well ya see, I was just delivering some packages when-" Howdy remembered what Frank told him, but he knew Frank wouldn't follow through with anything really. but he didn't want to take any chances, "I was delivering packages to Julie when It started raining, you were the closest house Barnaby.." 

"Julie ya say?" Barnaby seemed to look around nervously. "She didn't tell you anything bout me did she..?" Barnaby looked actually looked a bit scared.

 "No.. She didn't.. She was just calling someone.." Howdy was very confused did Barnaby call Julie or something?

"Okay then.. Now! How about we get you a shower bud? You seem pretty cold and wet, I think i'll be able to find a pair of clothes that'll fit ya.." Barnaby said all of this quickly, giving Howdy like a second to process this.

"Oh alright, Barns you really don't gotta-" Howdy was quickly interrupted by Barnaby putting his paw on Howdy's mouth.

"Shush, the storm is going to last all night.. And I ain't letting one of my best buds get struck by lightning!" Barnaby laughed slightly, "And those antennae are just lightning rods.." It was obvious Barnaby was joking, so Howdy laughed a bit accidentally getting Barnaby a bit wet. Because his wet hair accidentally got on Barnaby.

"Oh! I'm sorry Barns.. Are you okay-" Barnaby put another one of his paws on Howdy's mouth as if saying 'shush'. Howdy started blushing of embarrassment, and so did Barnaby.

"Yeah yeah, i'm fine- now, get in the shower you wet caterpillar." Barnaby said quickly as he pushed Howdy toward the bathroom, covering his eyes with his beagle ears, trying to hide his blushing face, Howdy simply walked into the bathroom and shut the door, trying not to scream out in embarrassment. 

After about 10 minutes, Howdy was finished showering, his fur was fluffing up as he tried to make it stand down, he put his hair back up into a pompadour, he heard Barnaby shout.

"Hey Howdy! I found you some clothes!" Barnaby said as he knocked on the door of the bathroom. "Should I just leave em by the door or-" 

"I'll just grab it.." Howdy reached his hand out of the door, the door was open a bit, only enough for Howdy's hand to come out, not enough for Barnaby to see him, Barnaby put the clothes in Howdy's hand and Howdy's hand went back in the bathroom to change.

Barnaby saw Howdy come out, Barnaby managed to find a pair of shorts that fit Howdy's 4 legs but not a shirt, so he just had his lower arms under the shirt, Howdy was wearing a white t-shirt, with some black shorts.

"Do ya think I look alright?"  Howdy asked as he adjusted the shirt a bit.

"You look great Howdy, would I say even better? And sorry I couldn't find a shirt that fit your 4 arms, I don't got no 4 arms, I only have 2,  so I don't usually keep any around." Barnaby spoke in his joking manner, that made Howdy laugh a bit, 

"Well.. Sorry about this.. I didn't want to disrupt you that much.. But it's okay i'll sleep on the couch.. " Barnaby looked a little startled but just nodded, secretly he did want to sleep with Howdy, like the one night where they both fell asleep, cuddling.

Barnaby sighed and thought of something quickly, "You know.. Why don't we watch a movie together? I got a pretty good movie for us to watch." Barnaby just really wanted to hang out with Howdy, he thought Howdy was pretty nifty. 

Howdy looked pretty fine with that idea and nodded, "Sure! What should we watch?" Howdy asked in his usual cheery tone.

"Well I was thinking of this film called Raggedy Ann & Andy.. Wally gave it to me.. I dunno I just thought-" Howdy quickly interrupted Barnaby

"Oh! I like that film, my cousin Marley showed it to me once! I'd say he acted more like Andy than Ann!" Howdy chuckled as Barnaby took his Howdy's hand and led him toward the living room, Howdy sat down on the couch as Barnaby re-winded the tape, in the VHS player. 

Eventually they were both sitting next to each other and watching the movie, they were honestly pretty close to each other. They were holding hands for some reason... Yet they were still paying attention around an hour when Barnaby fell asleep and leaned on Howdy's shoulder. Howdy smiled slightly and kept watching the film, when all of a sudden the power got knocked out by the lightning, they were both left in darkness, Howdy looked at Barnaby and yawned he just fell asleep besides Barnaby. Still holding hands.

(Word count: 1671)

(Next one will be a holiday special, Halloween or Christmas? Who knows? Both of them?! I don't know.. I want to make art for the cover but I can't draw. Dang nabbit.)

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