Day 2: Paimon

64 7 76

Paimon: Hello... mortals...

Me: I'll keep him in check guys! Don't worry!

Paimon: So... for these holidays... we'll be playing-

Paimon: *looks at schedule* "Blue-kit"..? What is this?

Me: I tried to find a horror game, but this is the best I could do for a multiplayer game on a laptop.

Paimon: ...You're kidding?

Me: What? At least I TRIED! You didn't put any EFFORT in, Crampus!

Paimon: Don't DARE compare me to him! *grumbles and sighs*

Paimon: Here's the link I guess --->

Paimon: I'll do my best to scare you out of your wits. I may even assign a game for you all to play yourselves~ Ever played "The Baby In Yellow"?

Me: I never finished it because it glitched...

Paimon: Oh, well.

Me: There's a Chromebook version that sucks, but I recommend the app.

Paimon: ...What she said. Also, my game can be played from 3:30-5:00 PM EST. Whenever anyone is available, but the earlier the better, right?


Round 1: "Star Wolf" -Francis_FanFictions

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