[ THE BASE . ]

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[Another day, another search. Spike still held the child in his arms, now fast asleep. He looked around just in case if any other of those corrupted beasts are somewhere. There has to be something. Right? He felt like danger is there but all he could ever hear is the wind blowing through his hair.]

[The cloth child then noticed something on the ground. The egg staff. The staff really reminded of when he got hurt by the thing before everything went black. He avoid it by waking around it, trying not to express his fear on his face.]

{±} Helper {±}
> "W-Why did he hurt me like that...?" <

[He questioned himself. But he doesn't want to get his thoughts lost, so he went back to follow along with the heroes.]

[As they went through the path. There was something new. The path was all, purple. And the grass was a dull pink. This wasn't the forest they first went through. It was a different one...]

{±} Garrett {±}
> "Spike...? Where are we...?" <

{±} Spike {±}
> "I have no idea... This doesn't look like the forest with all of those
beasts' or anything..." <

{±} Tristan {±}
> "It could be a safe place...!" <

[He rung out.]

{±} Tristan {±}
> "...If there's anything here not lethal..." <

{±} Diamond Man {±}
> "H-Hey...! What are these red floating circles doing here...?" <

[He said to the team, pointing at a path that is filled with pinkish red glows of little spheres dancing around as they float. Spike doesn't trust these, and warned the others.]

{±} Spike {±}
> "Careful guys, they could be lethal..." <

{±} Garrett {±}
> "L-Lethal...?! What do you mean...?!" <

[He asked, looking concerned.]

{±} Spike {±}
> "Let me throw something..." <

[He looked to his side, eyeing at the bush filled with freshly created apples. He picked one out of its stump and tossed it over to the path. It rolled over to where the glows are, stopping at the paste.]

[It took sometime before one of those glows landed on the Apple. On impact, the apple started to bubble as the ball of glow bury itself inside of the fruit. And lastly, the whole apple melted into nothing but a black tar of dull black red.]

{±} Spike {±}
> "Lethal glows..." <

[He said, squinting his eyes as he knew these glowing pinkish red spheres of death are actually dangerous.]

{±} Spike {+}
> "Alright listen up...!" <

[He turned over to his team.]

[D&B AU] THE CRIMSON EYE.Where stories live. Discover now