𝟔 ~ 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹

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🔎 Y/N'S POV 🔍

"The hell are you?"


I was feeling rather frustrated and worried, as Oscar had not responded to my calls since yesterday, and it was not like him to be unresponsive. I was grateful that we had been friends for eight fucking months, so close to a year, and that I was no longer just a fan but a true and valued companion in his life.

The fact that I was one of his closest and most trusted friends made it even more difficult to ignore my worries, and I became increasingly anxious and uneasy as the time passed without any word from him. Despite him having a multitude of celebrity friends and acquaintances, it was evident that I held a special place in his heart, and I wasn't going to let anything or anyone destroy the close bond that we had developed over the past several months.

Why am I so lucky?

"Pick up, damn it!"

I began to feel deeply worried as I tried making multiple phone calls, and Oscar still had not responded.

My concerns and anxiety were quickly growing more pronounced, as I felt the need to take action and locate him and ensure that he was safe. With this in mind, I decided to put an end to my waiting and actively go out and search for him, regardless of whether or not he was home. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong, and I was determined to find out what it was and address the situation.

Please be okay... Just hang on there, Oscar.

I swiftly departed from my residence atop my trusted motorbike and took off towards the Hollywood studio HQ building, where I knew many celebrities would frequently be present and in order to locate Oscar.

As I arrived upon the location, I immediately noticed a massive swarm of reporters and paparazzi gathered outside the entrance. The atmosphere was quite chaotic, and the sheer number of people made it difficult to navigate through. The large crowd of media personnel caused me serious concern, as it was quite unusual for such individuals to be congregated in such large numbers outside of the entrance of the studio.

"What the hell?" I mumbled as I looked from a distance.

I managed to spot Oscar from a distance away, and I was shocked to see the extent of the crowd of reporters and paparazzi surrounding him. He was covered from head to toe, fully covering his outfit, including a long coat, black baseball cap, sunglasses, and his own hands, to conceal his identity, and he seemed to be trying to keep a low profile while attempting to avoid being discovered. He was desperately attempting to conceal himself from the paparazzi and reporters that had surrounded and surrounded him. 

Surprisingly, there were no bodyguards or other personnel present to protect and defend Oscar, which made the situation considerably more dire and worrying. It was evident that he was experiencing a significant amount of difficulty moving around freely, as he remained overwhelmed by the swarm of people.

What the fuck is going on? I need to save him.

I overheard the commotion and shouting going off outside of the building, with the reporters and paparazzi yelling a particular word that was quite alarming and concerning. I realized that what they were screaming was the term...


...and that they were attempting to accuse Oscar of being involved in unsavory activities. I knew that Oscar would never engage in such behavior, as he had a wife and children.

My anger and irritation also began to grow as I heard the reporters and paparazzi shouting the word "scandal" and accusing Oscar of partaking in some illicit behavior. However, my concern for his well-being superseded any negative feelings that I felt, and I grew increasingly protective of the well-liked celebrity.

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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