5 Jade's

7 0 0

I had 3 dreams tonight but I can't remember the 3rd dream sorry.


June 20, 2015

My dream was just basically Jade with like every popular Jade ship. I started off by a gas station that's right by my house except I wasn't by my house I was in the middle of like a dessert and a road and everything in the liquor store was empty and it wasn't a gas station any more it was like abandon or something, keep in mind there are literally windows everywhere so I can see everything going on in there anyways I was outside of the gas station just watching everything that was going. I had never been this confused in my life. 1 Jade was pushed up against the wall making out with Dave on the left side of the room, another Jade next to them was kissing Tavros and eskimo kissing him doing all that cute lovey dovey stuff, another Jade was in the middle of the room with Karkat funnel caking French kissing or something, again another Jade was on the right side of the room with John also kissing  doing who knows what, then there's Gamzee and Jade making out next to Karkat funnel caking getting it on or something. I was just so confused and so...I don't even know but I didn't want to see any of this and the whole time I was thinking what do I do now? Do I just stay here. Is this how I die? I don't even know man, but I don't wanna know. It was grody.

                                                                                           THE END

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