(October - December) - The guy with the scars.

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Saturday the 2nd of October 1971

She liked to learn things. The library was good, it was a quiet place, everyone could go there, and she would just pretend she was a normal Slytherin student, working on her class.

The problem was after the closing hours, she would have to go back to Gryffindor tower, if her dorm was empty, it was perfect, but if the girls were there, she would just stay in the common room.

The common room was the occasion to study how other people were acting. Girls would not be waiting for the boys to finish talking or giving them the occasion to speak. They did not all have skirts or dresses. The biggest thing was the smiling and laughing.

The common room was full of joy. Lyra was even asking herself if she knew joy before coming here. For her, the receptions were joyful. Well, in fact, it wasn't. Nothing like that, absolutely nothing compared to that.

That weekend, she had already spent the all Saturday alone, lying in her bed, waiting to fall asleep of boredom wasn't an option. So she just took her book, some parchment, and continue the work she was doing in the library. Studying the second yearbook of Metamorphosis was really interesting, she was thinking of skipping third and learn a bit about the fourth year. Things were beginning to be really interesting at that point.

« Hi. »

She stood up, surprised to see Remus in front of her. « Hi. »

« Sirius and James never study. They have excellent result and good grades, like they already know everything, they can't be human. That's not possible. Well... I do need to study, can I sit with you? Everywhere else is full. »

A girl wasn't supposed to be sitting next to a boy alone. But this place was so different, and the room was filled with people chatting. That wasn't probably such a big deal. « Yes you can. » she accepted. In fact, she was beginning to feel lonely.

He looked at her parchment. « You're not studying. »

« Yeah, no, sorry. » she said with a hesitant smile.

« You already know the program? »

She shrugs her shoulders. « Most of it, yes. »

That made him laugh. She liked his laugh, she liked that when he was smiling, his eyes seemed to be filled with gold. Like little sparkles of joy.

He began to study, but for her it was impossible to be focused. It was like her eyes were dragged to him. Of course during classes she had been observing him, but he was the most secret of the students. Today, two dark shadows were underlining his eyes.

« The opening of Gringotts is in 1474, not 1747. »

« Oh, » he said, « thank you. »

Everyone knew that, no? Maybe not. She had had a private teacher, teaching her a ton of stuff, maybe other people didn't have that. « Sorry, you didn't know? »

He shacked his head. « No, I can tell you about Waterloo battle, but Gringotts stuff, not much. »

« Water-what? » she asked.

« Waterloo. It's a famous battle. » Seeing that she didn't seem to know about it, he kept going. « The Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon, a French emperor. It was in 1815, and it was a real big deal back then, England could have been French without that winning. »

She didn't know that, it was really interesting. « Thanks for the information. You know a lot about muggle history? »

« A bit yes, my mother is a muggle. »

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