Chapter 2

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For the sun never sets,

And I can never rest,

Without feeling you in my arms.

If your lips never touch mine,

But I think you are cute.

Even if you think my feelings are minute,

But for my love my darling,

All my words are true.

-Your admirer, Hex Crow

I smile softly, as this writing was different from how I normally write as I don't write poetry. I hope it isn't noticeable and if she doesn't reply I- I don't know what I would do, although probably kidnap her to be honest. I roll the parchment into a scroll, tying it in a red ribbon before sealing it with a green and black wax which I stamped with a heart. Before I whistle softly, calling my messenger crow, Maleficent, which cawed loudly to announce her arrival, the self-centred birdie she is. I hand her the scroll, to which she nudges with her beak, refusing to take it.

"I'll give you 50 bird seeds Meli, come on." I pouted, be the second I said '50 bird seeds' she had taken the scroll and had flown out of the window like a bat out of hell. I laughed, turning around, seeing Tyler and Silco standing over me, causing me to yelp.

"Something you need to tell us Hex?" Silco asks, looking pissed, holding an axe. Tyler stayed silent, as he was normally mute, unless he was furious. And for the first time ever, he has actually spoke to me.

"What have you been fucking hiding from us Hex? Are we not trusted enough?" Tyler snarls, pinning me to my chair, I yelp as I feeling his fingers dig into my arms. Silco grabs Tyler's arm, but Tyler scowled "Get the fuck off me, Silco". Silco immediately let go like he had been electrocuted, backing away, dropping his axe. Tyler let's go of one of my arms to grab the axe, but I didn't even try to escape, as I knew it was futile. He smirked holding it to my neck, 7I let out a whimper as he pressed the blade into my throat.

"So, what are you hiding from us Hex?" Silco asks, clearly unnerved by his brother's anger.

"I'm not hiding anything, I swear" I lie, I can't tell them about how I feel about my nemesis, I just can't.

"You're a fucking liar." Tyler roars out, pressing the axe deeper into my neck, blood trickling down my neck onto my collar bone.

"I- I'm not lying" I gasp out in pain.

"Don't fucking lie, you bitch, tell us the fucking truth or I'll cut your head off right now".

"Tyler calm," Silco says, clearly panicking.

"Keep your mouth fucking shut or I swear to god I will..."

A dart flies into Tyler's neck, paralysing him for a few seconds, which gave Silco a few seconds to tackle him to the ground and yank the axe away from my throat, but the blade cut through my skin, staining the blade in red. Silco and Tyler fight on the floor until Silco finally manages to restrain him. Jynx was stood at the door, a small dart gun in her hands. She dropped the gun, sprinting over to me as I felt my eyes droop. I stand up, but everything fades to black as I felt the world fall from around me.

Darkness swirls me and I'm in an empty train station. It was all silent around me, minus the trains which go past, never stopping. I don't know why I'm here, did my family drop me off when I was unconscious? But why at a train station? I don't know why I'm here. I walk down the platform, yet there was never an exit, not a single one. I walked faster, determined to find an exit. I glanced behind me for two seconds. Had I missed- I felt my body collide with something hard and warm as I fell backwards, into the train track as I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling away from the edge. "Good to see I'm not alone in this hellhole of a limbo."

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