till' death do us part.

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------------------------------------------------------JADE'S POV-----------------------------------------------------------

I wake up to frantic whispering in the corner on my hospital room, I slowly open my eyes and see Chloe, Tom, Georg, Gustav, and Bill all whispering. "Guys?" I ask confused by what's going on, they all quickly stop and look over at me. 

"Hey, you okay?" Tom says quickly walking over to me, worried. "Yeah, I'm fine- what's going on?" I ask him, sensing there's something I don't know about. "Jade.." Chloe says walking over to my bed, Tom quickly intervenes. "Chloe, no." he says in a serious tone looking at her angrily, their scaring the shit out of me.

"Just fucking tell me what's going on!" I yell, "Okay.. okay." Tom says trying to calm me down, he takes a deep breath as I see the guilt written all over her face. "I know who shot you." 

My heart sinks, I wait for him to tell me. "It was Penny." he admits, squeezing my hand tightly. I immediately feel sick, the girl I once called my best friend, who knows every last detail about me, who I thought would never hurt me- tried to end my life? 

"What? H-how?" I ask my heart now racing frantically, "She thought me and her were something after we you know.. I am so so so fucking sorry Jade, this is all my fault." Tom says rubbing his eyes together angrily. I just sit quietly, I don't want to be angry with Tom but this is his fault- if he could've just kept it in his pants I wouldn't have been shot in the first place.

The whole room goes quiet for a while until we hear a knock at the door and Officer Bennet walks in, "Good morning, Mrs. Nicole" he says holding a yellow folder in his hands. "Good morning Officer Bennett" I force and smile and nod, still upset with Tom. "So we looked over the footage from last night and collected 8 photos of girls that were at the booth with you and your friends" he explains handing me the yellow folder with photos of girls from the club inside it,

I browse them and see in the back of the booth a familiar face watching me, with an evil look in her eyes. It was Penny. "No, I know who did it, and it wasn't any of these girls." I say shaking my head and handing him the folder back, but keeping one photo in my hands. "It was her, her name is Penny Davis- she shot me" I say trying not to cry just uttering those words.

Tom explains the whole story of how she was in the cafeteria and the things she said about me, it was truly heartbreaking. Never in a million years would I expect her to go this far. As Tom explains it the door opens and in walks Penny. She has some kind of baked good in her hands but quickly freezes when she sees the cop,

"Hey guys.. uh, I heard you were in the hospital Jade and I just feel terrible. I wanted to drop something off to help you feel better" Penny says walking over to me, trying to not look guilty. "Ma'am I'm going to need you to set that down and put your hands behind your back." the officer says stopping her from getting any closer to me.

"What? Why?" she asks visibly panicked and backing away from him, toward the door. "Ma'am I am not going to ask you again, put your hands behind your back." he says walking closer to her, she quickly turns and tries to run but the officer grabs her arms quickly and puts her in the  handcuffs. "Tom, Tom- you said you loved me, and you know you do. You will never forget me" she yells to Tom as she is forced out of the room by the officer.

{tom kaulitz} contrasting heartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang