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"Lady Averill, Lady Averill!" The call for my attention interrupted my delightful time with the horses in the stable. I turned to see the maiden approaching, and she informed me,

"There you are, Lady Averill. I'm relieved to inform you that your sisters have arrived from Crecentia.

I was ecstatic to see them again after three long months, as they had been serving at the capital. I was the youngest of four siblings: Atley, the eldest, followed by the twins Noelle and Rochelle, and then there was me, Averill.

My family always treated me with kindness and understanding, even though I was the only one without a supernatural ability. Avalorans are known for their diverse and powerful supernatural abilities, which is why our kingdom has never been defeated.

Throughout history, numerous have attempted to conquer this land, yet none have succeeded. We are indeed fortunate to possess abilities that have the power to alter our world. However, not all are fortunate enough to be blessed with such gifts. You are either selected to wield these powers or are born with them.

For those born with these abilities, it is more challenging to strip them of their powers; they can only be managed. The act of taking away an ability is easier if the power was granted for a specific purpose.

The special training system for those with gifts is designed to ensure they use their abilities for the benefit of the kingdom and its people. Emberhelm is renowned for producing skilled individuals with exceptional powers.

I take great pride in hailing from this prosperous region of the kingdom, celebrated for its abundance and riches. My family has made a name for itself by crafting the most exquisite wines, exclusively enjoyed by the most esteemed nobility and the royal court.

Currently, Avalora is enjoying a prolonged period of peace, which has been in place since before my birth. However, I must admit that the most significant threat Avalora has ever encountered was the Fearun army and their leader, whose family lineage has consistently exhibited a troublesome spirit of seeking power and ruling.

We are relieved that they do not possess the same abilities as us. However, we have discovered that they are apprehending some unfortunate Avalorans and exploiting them to gain our abilities. Their motive is to acquire and exploit our powers for their own selfish gain.

In order to prepare for the unexpected, the royal court has selected young individuals with strong abilities to wield great powers that will be entrusted to them for the protection of the kingdom. My siblings were chosen for this honor to serve their people.

However, I spend my days tending to the stables and making occasional visits to the winery. I often ponder what my true purpose or passion might be. Unlike my siblings, I lack the confidence to pursue any particular talent or innate skill. Witnessing their remarkable progress only serves to remind me of my perceived inadequacy.

But right now, I couldn't contain my joy at the thought of seeing them again, especially after such a long time.

"Noelle! Rochelle! It's delightful to see you both once again... I've missed you a lot,"

"Have you been eating well, Aver? You haven't changed much," Rochelle asked in a concerned manner, "You know, Aver, she does whatever she wants... I'm just happy we got to meet everyone after such a long time," Noelle said, fixing a smile on her face as she looked at me.

"Well sisters, I have been a good girl keeping fit and staying out of danger so no need to sort about that," I said to them with a smile.

I was happy to see them in good shape too, but something was missing, a certain someone wasn't in the picture.

"Are you looking for Atley?" Noelle questioned as of knowing my thoughts, she knew me well.

"Why yes, I don't seem to find him anywhere, wasn't he also given a grant?"

"Do not worry, your best friend is very much eager to see you too, he's just going to be a little late with arrival," Rochelle answered,

"But in the meantime, we've got some gifts for you from the capital... come!" Noelle grabbed my right ankle while Rochelle to my left hand as we strolled towards our quarters.

My sisters were two years older than me, and our elder brother, Atley, was seven years older than I. But despite the age gap, our bond was the best thing in my life. His affection has always been a source of comfort for me.

I was told that he spent most of his time taking care of me when I was a baby, and he loved playing with me. When we were little, he often felt like a loner since the twins were always together and didn't pay much attention to him. But when I came along, he felt like he had found his own twin, even though I was born much later. I was really looking forward to meeting him too.

My twin sisters may not have been identical, but they had striking similarities. Both had creamy skin with scattered freckles on their chins, beautiful hazel eyes, and pink, shiny lips. Their only point of difference was in their fiery red hair. Rochelle wore hers long, reaching down to her lower back, while Noelle sported a shoulder-length style, likely trimmed during her time in the capital. She had mentioned in a letter that she was going to cut her hair, and seeing it now, it truly enhances her beauty.

Atley and I were alike in some ways, like our blonde hair and similar features, but there were also differences between us. While Atley had tanned skin, I had a radiant, milky complexion, and my lips were a natural auburn shade.

I had big, round eyes while Atley had a slender, almond-shaped gaze. His eyebrows were full and brown, and his lips had a light shade of auburn. His hair was styled in a regal manner, giving him a princely look, although he was no prince himself.

I just hoped that he hadn't also decided on a different look than his usual. Since the capital is known for its influences.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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