The killers are onboard

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The ship sailed through the vast expanse of space, leaving behind the desolate planet that had left an eerie imprint on the crew's memories. Two days had passed since their departure, and an air of unease still lingered within the ship's walls. The absence of any wildlife on the planet, except for the peculiar and undocumented plants, had cast a shadow over their thoughts.

Despite the unsettling experience, life on the ship resumed its usual rhythm. The crew members carried out their daily tasks with a sense of cautious normalcy. They walked the corridors, their footsteps echoing through the metallic halls, each engrossed in their respective duties. Among them was a crewmember clad in a brown spacesuit, making their way towards the electrical department. Little did they know that a shocking discovery awaited them.

As they neared the electrical room, a flickering light caught their attention. Suspicion gnawed at their insides as they hastened their steps, their heart pounding in anticipation. And there, lying lifelessly on the cold floor, was a figure swathed in the lifeless embrace of death. It was Tan, a crew member known for their warm smile and unwavering dedication.

The crewmember's breath hitched as they approached Tan's lifeless form. The sight sent shivers down their spine, their mind swirling with a cocktail of emotions. Gently, they knelt down beside the fallen crew member, their gloved hand trembling as it brushed against Tan's cold cheek. It was a grim reminder of the fragility of life in the vastness of space.

With a heavy heart, the crewmember quickly activated their comms device, their voice filled with a mixture of fear and urgency as they reported the tragic discovery. The news spread like wildfire throughout the ship, reaching the ears of each crew member. Alarms blared, filling the ship's corridors with a cacophony of sound as everyone rushed towards the designated emergency meeting location.

The crew members gathered, their faces etched with a myriad of emotions - shock, grief, and a lingering sense of dread. They stood together, a united front, their individual personas temporarily set aside as they sought solace and answers in each other's presence. The weight of the unknown loomed over them, casting a cloud of uncertainty that threatened to engulf their once harmonious camaraderie.

Captain Red's commanding voice broke the silence, cutting through the tension that hung thick in the air. He stood at the forefront, his usually confident demeanor now marked by a flicker of vulnerability. Blue, his loyal companion, stood steadfastly by his side, offering silent support. The Captain's eyes surveyed the room, his gaze lingering on each crew member, searching for any signs of deception or deceit.

As the emergency meeting unfolded, the crew members shared their theories, their voices laced with suspicion and apprehension. Doubt and mistrust simmered beneath the surface, threatening to erode the bonds they had painstakingly forged over the years. The harmony they once cherished now teetered on the precipice, threatened by the unknown enemy lurking in their midst.

The loss of Tan was a sombre reminder that danger lurked in the depths of space, not only in the vast unknown but also within the very confines of their ship. Each crew member's gaze, once filled with warmth and trust, now held a glint of suspicion. For the first time since their journey began, the crew faced an enemy they couldn't see, a foe that hid behind the faces of their comrades.

Unbeknownst to them, the parasite that had taken hold of two crew members on the desolate planet had now claimed its first victim on the ship. It slithered undetected, its presence a silent threat that now loomed over their every interaction. The crew's unity, once a beacon of hope, was now shrouded in a fog of doubt. And as they continued their journey through the vast reaches of space, the true nature of their companions remained uncertain, and the question lingered: who among them could be trusted?

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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