fallin' all in you

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fallin' all in you -shawn mendes

Today was a perfect day, no filming and the weather was beautiful. Elizabeth didn't know how to spend it because she never really had to spend a day alone. She would have Dorthea, Rachel, or Lewis to spend it with. Now it felt empty and cold by herself. Sure she could spend it alone but she didn't want go out exploring Berlin on her own. Rachel and Josh were hanging out together, Hunter wanted a full relaxing day, and Tom.. she didn't exactly know where he was or what his plan was for the day.

She didn't want to bother him either so she kept to herself in her hotel room. It was pretty big but when she was alone it felt like the walls were collapsing on her. She wanted to ignore the feeling but there was nothing to distract her. The only thing on her mind was how lonely she really was.

Then there was a ding from her phone. She was grateful for it even if it was only a YouTube notification, she just had to escape her mind.

One new notification.

blyth for life 🔥

Good morning, Elizabeth!

morning Tom!!

It's a really nice day out isn't it? No filiming today and the weather is perfect!

You're right, any plans for today?

No, not really. You?

Nope, just suffocated by my hotel walls!

Well in that case let's go explore together! 😊

Are you sure?

Quite positive, unless you don't want to..

You're right! Don't wanna surround myself with negativity

I tell you a strand of hair was messed up once and I'm a negative person??

Jk Tom I'd be happy to go hang out, give me 30 minutes though!!

Take your time Lizzy.

Fast forward to Tom and Elizabeth leaving the hotel.

"Any plans? Or know where you wanna go first?" Elizabeth asks as she looks around and takes everything in.

"Nope, just thought we could explore, if that's okay with you?"

"Well you already dragged me out so I can't really say no," she says with a a laugh.

He rolls his eyes as a response and looks over at her. She had this look on her face that made him feel peaceful and content. He never really noticed how happy she always looked. Even her relaxed face she was somehow smiling. He liked that about her. He liked a lot of things about Elizabeth actually. Her laugh, humor, smile, personality, her desire to love everyone, her kindness, how brilliant she was, and of course her looks.

He noticed the ways she would style her hair but her favorite hairstyle was ponytails, she loved getting ready but not going out as much, she felt more confident when she was put together, loved getting her nails done, she preferred sneakers and closed toe shoes, she loved her family and friends, and she always treated everyone with respect.

It took him almost two months to realize how hard he was falling.. no one made these lists about their friends, and they definitely don't try and study them.

He knew she wasn't just a friend. She was more than a friend to him, she was Elizabeth Wolff, the girl he desired. The one who seemed to always make him break into a laugh or smile whether it's from her humor or her kindness. No one could compare to Elizabeth, and he hated the fact that she may never know or feel the same.

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