Movie Night at Home

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Hunter loved his boyfriend, but he did pick really shitty movies. He had to admit that much.

They had their movie nights fairly often, maybe once or twice a week. Hunter would sneak away from the castle, fly all the way over to Blight Manor just to sneak into a small, framed window to go sit down and watch the worst movie of his life just so he could have this time with the prettiest boy he knew.

He would never complain about it very long, though. Maybe a snarky comment here or there, but Edric and he both knew he had a snarky comment for every occasion.

This particular evening was no exception. Edric propped against the headboard of his bed, Hunter's arms wrapped around his waist, the blonde's head resting on his chest. A light blanket thrown over both of them. They had spend a hundred nights like this together, but this one felt...


The way Edric's arms was wrapped especially tight around his shoulders, constantly brushing his thumb against the skin just under Hunter's sleeve... It sent small shudders running down Hunter's spine. Edric had made him feel plenty of things before, but this growing feeling was not one he had experienced.

He turned his face towards his boyfriend, who looked right back down at him. He smiled softly, lifting his head up. He leaned forward, softly pressing their lips together. Edric returned the gesture, kissing him back.

A hand that had been previously wrapped around his waist moved to cup Edric's cheek, fingers playing with the soft, green curls at the base of the illusionist's neck. Ed chuckled against his lips, the arm that had been around Hunter's shoulder moving to carress the scar on his face.

They stayed like that for a few moments, the movie continuing to run in the background as the two boys lost themselves in such a soft kiss..

Until Edric took it to the next level. Gently, his lips parted against Hunter's, who gasped slightly. He hesitated for a moment, before his parted as well. Ed pushed his tongue past the blonde's lips, causing another shaky gasp to escape.

After months of being together, they hadn't done anything but cuddle and kiss... this was all so new, Hunter had no clue what he was doing. In all honesty, neither did Edric. At the same time, neither wanted to even begin to stop.

As the kiss continued to deepen, the passion only continued to grow. Hunter's breathing had hitched into a hot, shaky mess. Not a single word had been uttered between the two of them since the beginning, but that wasn't taken as a sign to stop by either of them.

Suddenly hands wrapped around Hunter's hips and before he knew it, he was on top of Edric. That idiot had forced him onto his lap... Hunter's broke off of the kiss, his cheeks going red and his ears tilting down a bit, the tips going red as well.

"Edric, you dumb ass- what the hell do you think you're doing?" he grumbled, more flustered than truly upset.

"Putting you on my lap- what, you wanna stop now?" The witch grinned, but his voice had an undertone of seriousness still.

"...I guess not, but at least warn me first!" he rolled his eyes, moving back to kiss him again.

Ed smiled against his lips again, leaning into it. His hands trailed along the hem of Hunter's shirt. Hunter's heart was racing, he had never been in a relationship before. He slowly broke off from the kiss again, causing the most adorable whine to come out of Edric, even if it was fairly quiet. He was aware of how pretty his boyfriend's voice was and how often he relished every cute little noise of excitement or disappointment before, but this had brought up so much more inside him.

Movie Night Shenanigans (HUNTRIC/GOLDRIC)Where stories live. Discover now