When Alastor Was Human, He...🧐

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☪Go "Hunting" 😳 on a monthly basis.

☪Had his own radio station in New Orleans.

☪Drank his coffee black.

☪Drank his tea with one to two sugar cubes and his pinky sticking out as he drank it.

☪Visited his mother on a weekly basis.

☪Most likely rode a horse.

☪Would walk to work.

☪Watched black and white TV, or as he calls it, "Picture Shows."

☪Never had any pets.

☪Grew up without his father.

☪His mother offering her sons work services when he was a kid. (Like weed the lawn, landscape etc...)

☪Cooking with his mother ALL THE TIME.

☪Had a flower garden. Most likely all roses.

☪Never had a girlfriend. Preferred to be alone.

☪Would sing to himself as he hung his laundry to dry.

☪Went to fancy gatherings.

☪Long walks in the dark and swampy forest.

☪Would take himself out to dinner.

☪Made conversation with strangers on streets just to come across as a "Nice Guy"

☪Read A TON of books in bed before going to sleep.

☪Bring roses to his mother when she's ill.

☪Show off his dancing skills.

☪Would always sing on his radio station.

☪Charm women, but never anything past that. Broke a lot of hearts.

☪Enjoyed board games and studying A LOT.

What do you think Alastor was like before he died?
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