Chapter Twenty One: Result

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Tōkai Street

  Eliward was walking down the street, making her way down to her job. As she walked through the streets, she saw the same usual faces she would see when she took this route. The people with joy, and smiles on their faces, however, this wasn't the case anymore. Some had blank expressions, not conveying emotions, others had a hint of nervousness and anxiety on their faces. >So this is the result...< Eliward thought to herself as she observed the peoples faces through her green shutter shades.

 She continued to walk through the streets, her eyes wandering from person to person, examining their emotions and what they might be thinking. >If I did this to Nelivia... would she be the same?< Eliward asked herself, wondering if her wife would be the same as these people.


Unknown Building

  Eliward arrived at her job, standing in front of the door. "This should be the meeting place." She said to herself, looking around and the text on her phone. "Alright, here we go." Eliward said as she went into the building, she was met by a small group of people, there being about 100 people in the building. "Wow." >This is more than I thought. But it's much less than before< Eliward was surprised by the fact there were less people that were in this singular building. >Definitely reminds me of the last call we had.< Eliward thought, putting on a burgundy cloak, wrapping a gray scarf around herself. >Should I wear the wig? ... Nah.< Eliward didn't put anything else on her, and instead went for the current look she had.

  "Thank you for taking the time to be here." A male voice spoke out, this man was different from the last call. He had short brown hair, his dark almond eyes were set on the crowd that was in front of him. His glasses reflected the face of every person that was present.

"My name is Zhanghao Petiot, and I am the one who called you all here."


Tempo High School, Rośe's Homeroom

  Rośe was in her classroom, she was reading some textbooks, Hensō was making some origami, folding each piece of paper with care and ease. "There's another..." Hensō whispered to himself, setting another origami crane in a line that was made with other origami cranes. There were other origami lines behind and in front of the line of cranes. Rośe noticed the lines of origami from the corner of her eye as she read her textbooks.

  "Hensō-kun, how long have you been doing origami?" Rośe asked the long haired boy. He heard Rośe and his purple eyes looked up from the lines of origami. "Let me think..." Hensō responded, his eyes looking up to the ceiling of the room, "I think I've been doing origami for about three years now." Hensō responded, his eyes went back to head level, looking at Rośe.

  "Three years.." Rośe repeated to herself, origami for three years, folding pieces of paper into beautiful shapes and images over and over, refining and perfecting the art. "Why do you ask?" Hensō said suddenly, getting Rośe's attention. "Ah, no reason. I was just wondering since you've already made so many!" She responded back, smiling nervously from Hensō's sudden question. "If you want to learn how to do origami, you can just ask." Hensō said, folding another piece of paper, carefully aligning it so the final product would be perfect.


Tempo High School, Hallway

  Kokori was walking through the hallway by herself. Ren went off somewhere else with Jay, she felt like her and the other three were being separated little by little. First it was Ryo who is now working overtime at Gale Agency, and Jay has been acting distant back at the apartment. He's been spending more time in his room.

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