what the fuck

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Only 17 bullets remain and my bruise keep bleeding.

It was 21 in the night and i got attack by a damn zombie,why does those things always happend To me ?
You know me,I nailed To kill it . . . Them . . . He/she . . . ?

Do they have a gender?

Dont know dont care.

Anyway i was now walking to an hospital to be able to find medical stuff and i saw a shadow in the corner of my eyes .  . . "Its weird . . . Zombies arent smart enought to hide they just attack . . .  Now that i think about it,this shadow didnt seem human as well."

I kept on walking to the hospital but got stoped by a giant big @ss spider.

"What the actual fu-"

A week later:


Why do I have to walk trought the damn city just to go to a damn hospital ? Right my neck was bitten by a damn zombie.

I enter the stupid hospital by the window of the 17th floor by an other building. Didnt you taught i was gonna walk around near the floor where the zombies crawl ? Stupid ! I rather jump building to building then crawl with the zombies.

As i enter the hospital i saw many rooms and blood on the walls . . . Also a tiny spider crawling my way like it whants to bite me too,i just crushed it.

"Even the spiders have lost their minds".

Anyway i was walking to an empty room by the end of the corridor but i heard weird sounds like a little bug crawling on the other room. I couldnt control my curiossity and kicked the door of the next door only to find a big spider reaching the height of my abs eating what looked like a burnt cadavre. I stumble back in suprise and fell on a medical instrument making me fall back on my butt and saw the spider now crawling to me.

Everything became black as i woke upand saw a girl about my age.

"What the -"

"He's awake ! Thank god that he is alive,Veneno, 'cause I would've killed you myself ! Zombies yes ! Human no !"

"Who are you . . . ? . . .  Stay back ! I have a bite !"

"I know"
How can someone be so cusual and even chuckle when someone tell them that ?!
"But dont worry,so do i"
Ho thats why . . . . . Wait what the fu !?!

A/n :
Hi y/n ! Glad you read my chapter,message me for ideas and more chapters. Love u 💥❤️💥

~ kira

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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