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-two weeks later
-saturday afternoon
-7:30 pm
-kyky pov
-self care chapter

-two weeks later-saturday afternoon -7:30 pm-kyky pov-self care chapter -DRAAAAMA CHAPTER ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||you were laying in ur bed watching tv, by yourself but you weren't really paying attention to the tv you were kinda just in ur own little world letting ur mind wander, ever since that ni...

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you were laying in ur bed watching tv, by yourself but you weren't really paying attention to the tv you were kinda just in ur own little world letting ur mind wander, ever since that night at smackdown, you and jey hooked up 7 more times till you started ghosting him, and it wasn't that you didn't like the feeling or the sex, because trust me with him, he hits it reeaaal gooddd, but you still couldn't get that one feeling you had moments before you guys left the arena that night out of your head, it was weird , it felt weird, but you and jey promised nothing else just some sex that's all. you decided you needed to just kinda, be by yourself for awhile so you decided to text ur friends and let them know
trinity- my day one💙.
you: hey babies, I'm sorry I haven't talked to you guys , I've been dealing with some stuff mentally so I just wanted to let you guys know, I'm gonna stay away for a little while,I love you all so much 💙
binky-baby. I'll be worried about you, but okay I love you feel better soon honey 💙
livy🤍.-I love you text us if you need anything 🤍
my day one💙.-text me if you need anything I love you more then anything
boo-I love you lil mama let me know if you need anything
bluey-always here if you need anything 💙
you smiled as you saw all there texts but you didn't have the energy to respond so you decided to text ur friend tiffany from the nxt brand and ask her if she wanted to go to the club
you: hey bookie, you wanna go to the club?
tiffy💙: yess but I ain't gonna drink, but I'll be ova in 10
you: okay see you soon bookie
tiffy💙:see you soon

-text me if you need anything I love you more then anything boo-I love you lil mama let me know if you need anything bluey-always here if you need anything 💙||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||you smiled as you saw all t...

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this is what you chose to wear to the club!
you and Tiffany walked in together and walked over to the bar sitting down till she saw some of her nxt friends that she worked with and invited them over, you had no issue whatsoever but you saw this one guy.. he had tattoos and he was wearing this black shirt with black ripped jeans and this chain on, he soon approached you guys with the rest of the group

"ouuu girl that's wes"tiffany said against ur ear and you sent her a smirk

wes then approached you

"ur kylessa, the badass on smackdown right?" he said with a smile and WHEW this man's smile was not a joke to be taken lightly

"yep that's me, and ur wes the kardiak kid from nxt right?" you said with a smile and he nodded

"that's me" he said with a laugh

"what's a girl like you doing out on a night like this?" he said sitting down next to you

"just trying to figure out if being on smackdown is really for me, feels like I'm not fitting in with it anymore, and I don't know if the group of friends I have now is the best group for me" you said and his face kind of dropped

"oh I'm sorry love, and you know if you ever need anything im here" he said sliding you his number and you sent him a warm smile

but little did you know.. jey was at the back of the club in like the vip area but you could see out into the main part of the club, and when he saw you in that dress, he wanted nothing more then to walk up to you and pull you into one of the vip rooms, but he knew he couldn't , he was here with a "friend" of his and he saw how happy you looked and how okay you looked talking to wes and he knew deep down he had to stop hurting you

"well tell me more about you" wes said and you took a breathe

"im not here just for one thing kyky, i actually wanna get to know you , you seem like a really chill and nice person" he said and you sent him a nod

"I really wanted to be a fashion designer when I was growing up, but when I tuned 13 I started practicing wwe and that got me to where I am now, I love Dr Pepper,if im out of work or on break i watch the events im missing at home" you said and he nodded

"dr pepper really is the best" he said and you nodded with a smile

"the people who think root beer is better are crazy" he said and you nodded

"I know you purposely did not just say that because you know root beer is my favorite drink bro" Carmelo said walking up to wes and dabbling him up

you laughed as you hugged melo

you and melo had been friends since highschool

"man me and trick finna head out you ready?" he said to wes and wes nodded

"I'll definitely be seeing you soon but bye kyky" he said with a smile before walk of leaving the club

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