Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Should you even be going to prom? I mean is it really a good idea to have you there and whatever when you're like, a century pregnant?" Adrian asked Charlie, who narrowed her eyes at him.

"Thank you for the exaggeration. Besides, it'll be fine. I highly doubt they'll suddenly decide to pop out on the night of prom. You just don't want to go."

River was content to walk between them as they made their way to lunch. Charlie had been getting weird looks from girls all day, but he couldn't really blame them. Her belly was huge. Well, if he thought about it, she'd been getting weird looks ever since Christmas Break had ended back in January. It was March now. And not even the beginning, the 18th.

"You're absolutely right I don't wanna go, but I'm just trying to look out for your safety here." Adrian said, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"Adrian, sometimes you just have to do things you don't want to do. Like going to prom. Two out of three, you're outvoted here," she told him, making him sigh at that and roll his eyes a little.

"Two?" River asked.

She looked at him.

"You weren't arguing with him, so I was on the assumption that you were on my side. Or at least indifferent," she said with a small shrug.

"But I'm a Sophomore. Prom's for upperclassmen."

"Underclassmen can still come. They just have to be brought in with Juniors or Seniors."

"Well I still can't go, now can I?" River asked, smiling at Charlie.

She frowned slightly.

"Why not? Junior. Senior," she said, pointing to herself and Adrian.

"You have to be asked, don't you? I can't go unless I'm asked."

Charlie paused at that, then smiled a little and shook her head.

"That is a fair point. In that case, River, would you like to go to prom with us?"

"You can't ask me for Adrian."

She sighed at that and looked over to Adrian, giving him a pointed look. He ignored her for a second before he rolled his eyes and huffed.

"River, will you go to prom with me? Us? Something?"

Narrowing his eyes at Adrian, River reached over and pushed him. That wasn't done very well and he wasn't going to accept that. Adrian was supposed to mean it, and that hadn't sounded very certain at all. He wasn't sure how proms worked really, besides they were a dance and you had to be asked, but he was sure the asking should be better than that.

"Not when you ask me like that, no."

Adrian snorted and moved to be out of touching range from River.

"Damn, alright. No need to shove," he said. "Fine. River, do you want to go to prom with me and Charlie?"

"I would like that," he answered, smiling.

"Good luck finding a dress big enough for the cow."

Snapping his head to the source of the voice, River blinked when he saw it was just one of the girls that'd been eying Charlie the whole time. Why couldn't they just leave them alone? They weren't hurting anybody. It drew Charlie's attention, because she looked over at her too, and Adrian paused before narrowing his eyes a little.

"I don't see why you care. We weren't talking to you." River stated.

"Talking loud enough for it to be to the whole school," the girl answered, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Fat-ass kind of makes you stick out."

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