I Despise this little shit at my school
My friend kept getting hit and he lightly pushed away this kid
(Btw this was all on the bus)
And then the kid kept doing it and my friend got angry and yelled at the kid
And so this ugly ass, stupid, no hoe, shitwad and said "HEy LeaVe HiM aLoNe!!!"
And she tried getting closer and my friend pushed her away lightly and she had said:
"AT LeAsT iM nOt dAtInG a FuRRy!!"
And my friend said: "SHUT THE FUCK UP."
and I started crying and hyperventilating bc I thought my friend was gonna get in trouble but the little stupid ass kid got in trouble.

So yeah now people probably think we are dating

I love my school guys 🙏🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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