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Welcome. We will begin the testing in 5.... 3.... 1...

Hello there kids, my name is Dr. Stein. This will be your school test, so don't worry you will be graded on how fast you do, and how accurate you are.

Don't try to leave, your chair comes with pre-installed handcuffs that will wrap around your feet if you do try, if they aren't on already. I will know if you escape. I always know.

Now! Let's begin. First Question...

Every question the computer program did, you heard a beep every time someone answered. Then you had to review the rules to make sure you remembered them. You hardly left the room without a headache. Sometimes smoke would fill the room, to punish escapees and everyone else. Once, everyone was convinced they released sleeping gas, because once we woke up, the room changed, a few chairs and desks were scattered, and tipped over. We still wonder what happened that time.

It looks like everyone finished the test. Give me a moment to get the results and read them.

The one with the most points is Elio. Thrice in a row! Good greif, I know whose parents will be amazed with them. Congrats, now for second place, Nigel. Good job! This is your first time being in the top 3! In third, Hendrix. First timer as well! Congrats.

That concludes today's test.

The women are never in the top 3, as the people here don't like to acknowledge women as being smarter as men or smart in general. It sucks. We know.

It's been this way for years, wake up, do tests, some free time if your parents let you have any, and sleep. If you try staying up past curfew your parents need to punish you. Which is odd, it's not like they have a secret dark ugly secret... right?

Well, better not dwell on it too hard, overthinkers get punished. Nobody ever has a thought or time to think for themselves. It's like we're all mindless people, almost makes it sound like a cult, haha if we said that to the elders...

Well, it's probably bedtime so I'll be done giving you the details,  you'll get to hear about our life, and how it sucks, sooner or later. Who am I you ask? Well, I am Elio, yes the one who wins first place a ton. I don't know if this note will be found, but I hope you guys understand the severity of contacting the outside world.

Hope to see you in the real world some day,

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