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Dr. Stein was always a household name, though he wasn't the pastor, more like the pastor's assistant. The pastor was just there to spread the word of whatever we were in, and to make the rules, and punish disobedient people. Every kid grew up terrified of him.

Even Elio, who was constantly yelled at and treated like shit until he gets a good score. That's why he always needed to get first place. Or he feared that Dr. Stein would somehow find him in his sleep, and send him off to be murdered, or his 'Research Institute' which was a magical study place according to the other kids.

Elio heard of a girl being sent there once, he wondered why all the time, why didn't he get sent to some magical study place if his parents so desperately wanted him to have the top score? Maybe it was a punishment. But punishments were bad, asking was forbidden and lead to a punishment too. So to survive, note to self, never ask that.

Just keep studying. Lock yourself in, don't let anyone in his heart. That is what Elio lived by, that's how he got this far. He tried sneaking out the window once, during study times, and nearly got the life beat out of him. Punishments sucked.

Elio envied everyone who got to play outside during free time, his parents only wanted him to study, and by the law, everything parents say is law to the kids. He couldn't wait to be a parent, he'd treat his kid with kindness. That is if he ever wanted kids, he found the idea of parenting one digusting and revolting, on top of that he never wanted to make one.

Last year, he learned females didn't learn how kids were made until they were 16, which was way longer than the men, which they learned at age 9. Which was odd, but he couldn't question it.

He often wandered his mind like this when he was studying, but he had time since he basically was fast at getting his study papers done. This was the only thing keeping him distracted, and less jealous of the kids out there that could play.

In a few hours, he would have to eat, then go to bed, but that's just how his life was, he could never ever change it, nor be in control. Not until he moved out, which would be until he got a wife in this community. 

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