A Gaze Into The Past (Part 3)

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A/N: Hi there folks! How are ya doing??. . . . . .I really don't care really, hehe just kidding. Comment on how you are feeling today and that would be awesome. I really care ^-^

Love ya! Now back where we left off. >_>

P.S.: I don't do recaps, just read the previous chapter. I know I have been gone for a year. Sorry, I've been busy. Very busy.


Sasuke's POV

"N-Naruto. . .", I whisper mostly to myself. The sight was agonizing to look at.

My teammate is on his hands and knees panting like crazy, blood-covered, and looking half dead. He didn't have his orange jacket on, so he was left with his fishnet shirt which looked torn in certain places.

He looks at me, eyes filled with fear. Something you barely see in Naruto's eyes. He reaches towards me and says desperately, "S-sasuke. . .r-run. . .".

I gasp as Naruto is then picked by a giant hand covered in reddish orange fur with super sharp nails. The arm is coming from a giant cage with huge bars.
"Come here little brat, I'm not done with you yet!", yells a very beastly and devilish voice, as Naruto is taken into the air by the furry arm of the creature.

The next sounds I hear are the bones of Naruto being grinded, squeezed, and shattered. I gasp and feel a urge to puke as the sounds disgust me to my very core. Naruto's screams are probably the one thing that stop my grotesque thoughts.

I breathe as calmly as I can and I yell towards the beast in a semi-confident and semi-shaky voice, "H-HEY! PUT NARUTO DOWN THIS INSTANT!"

The moment my words were yelled into the void of darkness, which is inside the cage, the crunch of bones stopped in it's tracks. The gasps from Naruto came after, as I'm sure he was out of breath from the constant yelling.

Naruto is then dropped from the hand that grasped him and the hand retreats back into the cage. I run towards Naruto, him being my number one priority and kneel next to him.

I raise his fishnet shirt up and placed my ear to his chest to check for a heartbeat. Any sign of life.
. . . . . . . .*thump thump*. . . . . . .*Thump bump*

I sigh heavily but relieved. 'Thank god you're alive. .fucking knucklehead'.

"Aww the little Uchiha brat cares for the orange stain", says the deep and evil voice coming from the cage. The voice makes me stiffen up and crane my head upwards towards the steel bars in front of me. I instantly freeze at the sight of the enormous crimson eyes and wicked smile looking down on me, like I'm an ant.

The beast, no, the demon reaches towards me with it's hand while chuckling and speaking, "It looks like I have a new play thing."

I'm frozen. This is similar to when I was in the Forest of Death with Orochimaru but much, much, worse. I try to move with all my might but my body isn't responding. The monster lifts me up and dangles me upside down like a defenseless puppy, bringing me closer to his eyes.

"Hmph! I hate those eyes of the Uchiha! The annoy me to my core. . .", I hear the beast say with distain for my clan's special eyes.

'Were they activated the whole time I've been here?'

It continues speaking, "I'm going to drill those eyes out of you before I play with you, sound good?". The nail of the other hand is presented in front of my face and aimed directly into my eye. My eyes grow wide and I start to panic. I try to escape the grasp that is on my legs but find that it only tightens the more I struggle.

The nail is coming closer, slowly but surely. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

In a panic, I do the hand signs to shoot a fireball and try to attack the hand/nail coming towards me but fail.

'My jutsu doesn't seem to work here.', I think nervously. 'What now!?'.

The nail is inches away and I'm too panicked to think. I can't think. I can't move. I'm useless.

Then in a instant. . .pain. Undescribable pain.

The giant nail pierces my eyeball, causing a blood curdling yell from me. I can feel the eyeball's fluid run down my cheek and towards my chin as the nail dug deeper and deeper. I felt every inch, every movement, ever nerve being destroyed.

Blood. . .

It's the next thing I saw. The nail drove through eyeball and into my brain. Slowly. . .slowly. . slowly. The nail took it's time going through as I struggle to get free, want the pain to stop. I notice how I am gripping onto the nail, clawing at it, punching it, trying whatever it took to free myself.

As it finally goes through the back of my head I cry out one last time before I feel myself being pulled into reality half damaged.

*Back into reality*

I scream at the top of my lungs as I clutch at my eye. I fall to the ground remembering the pain, blood, and torment that was brought upon me.

*Gai's POV*

". . .2,226. . 2,227. .2,228. .2,229. .annnnnnd. .", my counting is interpreted by a scream.

'What in the leaf!?', I think as I leap to my feet, hearing the continuous screaming. "Someone sounds like they're in trouble! This look like a job for Konoha's Green Beast of Prey, Might Gai!", I yell and leap towards the disturbance.

I reach the scene where Kakashi's student, Sasuke Uchiha, is on the ground holding his right eye and is the source of the yelling. I see some sort of orange blob stalking towards him. I run at full speed and into a flying kick position and yell "Dynamic Entry!" and send the blob flying. I feel the bottom of my foot having no protection and check to see that my sandal's sole has been burnt off.

'What in the. . .' I think as I see the orange goop monster recover and make it's way towards me and the Uchiha kid behind me, who is still screaming with no stop in sight.

I keep eye contact with the beast. As I look closer, I start to see Kakashi's other student, Naruto Uzumaki, is the one who is the true threat. If I remember correctly, he had the Nine Tails inside of him. This must be what happens when it goes wild.

No matter, all I need to do is hold this thing off until I can get Sasuke into a safe area.

My mission: Get Sasuke Uchiha to safety or die trying.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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