Moving in

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Box after box, I watched as my childhood house was packed away. The smell of dust and mystery filled the air. I've never lived anywhere, but the little town of Jessieville. Now I'm moving to a big city. Twenty hours away. The only thing that could make it worse is that it's the middle of the school year.

The house was old, but it was really pretty. It had antique glass windows, dusty wood floors, a carpeted living room, a dinning room that was big enough to be mistaken as a ballroom, a kitchen that could've been a bakery, a back porch that overlooked a lake, the upstairs was a different story. The upstairs had a caramel coloured wall to wall carpet, black & white stripped wallpaper. The first room on the right, was medium sized and had blue and green walls, the floor was a cherry wood colour, the room had a vintage ceiling fan. The room a crossed the hall, was a little bigger than the first room on the right. The room had a window seat, that looked over a patch of trees and a little shack. The shack looked like it hadn't been used for at least ten years, it was so run down. The window seat had purple pillows, that had little flower designs on them.

It was so beautiful, how the sun hit the window perfectly. The room had a desk with papers perfectly placed. The desk was made out of oak. This room was perfectly put together. The room at the end of the hall, was the smallest and most darkest one of all. It had words carved into the wall. Words like "bitch" and "slut". Words that people don't like to hear about themselves. The words weren't just on the walls, they were on the floor too. The whole room was filled with words, there was no spot that wasn't covered. The room held a secret. A secret that was dark.

My room was the first room on the left. I helped my mum carry in the boxes for my room. We had already moved in some of our furniture, like our couch, our dining room table, my desk, my sister's bed, my parents bed and mine. We still had to move all the chairs and stuff from the old house. After bringing in the last box, I went to my room and opened a box that said,"Andrea's clothes." I picked out a pair of red pyjama bottoms and a black long sleeve top. I grabbed a towel and my shower stuff and hopped into the shower. After I got out, my mum had called me downstairs for dinner, well a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of milk.

"Thanks." I said, about to climb back upstairs.

"Get some sleep, tomorrow is your first day at your new school." My mum politely reminded me.

" I will, mum. Promise." I said, thinking about what I was going to wear.

I climb up the stairs and went to the bathroom, that was attached to my room. I brushed my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I saw fat checks, fried hair, pale skin. I quit looking in the mirror, disgusted by what I saw. I finally turned out the light in the bathroom, and climb into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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