Chapter One

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"Dr. Fletcher I'm glad you came" a petite business looking women smiled as she led the short women into a room.
Ariana fletcher; a 5'1 28 year old women that specializes in Psychology. She's one of the best in her field.

The room was medium sized and had a grayish dull color to it but what can you expect from a prison.

She took a seat on one of the steal chairs and placed her brief case on the ground close to her feet; "Tamia Cruz I presume?" She asked.

Cruz allowed the door to close behind her as she walked over to her seat, her heals clicking against the stone flooring echoed through the room before she took a seat.

"Yes, I'm so glad you were able to make time to come help us here today-"

"No one said anything about helping ... I came here to hear about your client and their case, if I deem it too risky then I'll leave" she stated dryly as she sat back folding her arms against her chest.

Cruz cleared her throat before pulling out a folder, she opened it and slid it over to Ariana giving her a minute to examine the contents inside.

"David Brewster; age: 35, charged with 1st degree murder, the man he killed was his father reason is unknown, and his sentence was life without parole" she summarized.

Ariana furrowed her brows at the folder before looking back up at the women "and why'd you call me?" She asked.

She sighed "Mr. Brewster pled insanity so the judge decided to send him to an asylum ... more specifically the one you work at" she said.

"Again, I'm not seeing why that's my business?"

"I heard you were the best, Mr. Brewster needs the best" she said determined.

Ariana lifted a brow as she scanned the women's expression "and how long have you been in love with your client?" She asked closing the folder and sliding it back over.

Cruz blinked in astonishment "I-I am not" she frowned "I just want to make sure he gets proper care-"

"Ms. Cruz with all due respect you are Mr. Brewster's lawyer, your job is to listen to him and give him what he ask for that is within your ability; you advised him to plead insanity so he can receive a lighter sentence and due to the law they're now sending him to solitarily confinement in a asylum I so happened to work at. Usually this is where the lawyer's work is done but no you took it upon yourself to take it a step forward and call the best psychologist in the facility to take on his case is that correct?"

Cruz gulped as she chuckled "my feelings have nothing to do with this and they're quite frankly none of your concern, the reason you're here is to help Mr. Brewster."

Ariana nodded "over-stood, my services aren't cheep"

"I'm- he's willing to pay for whatever you ask"

Ariana chuckled "okay then I guess I have a new client" she said standing from her seat sticking a well manicured hand out.

Cruz shot up as she quickly shook her hand "thank you ma'am"

Ariana nodded as she released her hand and grabbed her brief case before swiftly exiting the room.

-Present time-

"Ms. Cruz we meet again" Ariana said now dressed in a black dress and a white doctor coat, her blonde hair was now tossed in a messy bun.

Cruz gave her a small smile as she led her to the back room where Mr.Brewster himself sat.

"David this is Dr.Fletcher, she'll be the one treating you" she smiled brightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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